CoreSolutions: The Ideal Treatment For Low Back Pain


It makes sense – the weather gets warmer and people find themselves wanting to be outside more often throughout the day. So, you find a restaurant with a nice patio, grab a few friends, and get a bite to eat. There are also societal pressures involved in this, as many people don’t want to decline an offer to socialize – and socializing largely revolves around food. Because of this, it’s no secret that dining out is a common summer pastime – but how does it affect your health? Dining out and your health: According to a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, frequent dining out can pose some serious health risks due to the exorbitant portion sizes served in restaurants.Titled, “Mitigating the Health Risks of Dining Out:The Need for Standardized Portion Sizes in Restaurants,” this study analyzes the benefits of decreasing portion sizes on overall health: “Most people lack the capacity to judge the caloric content of food and there is limited evidence that people make useofcalorie-labeling informationwhen it isavailable.Standardizedportionsizes wouldnotprecludepeople fromeatingasmuchas theywant,butwouldmake the amount they are getting fully transparent.” While this is a common concern, there are some steps you can take to make sure you are staying healthy, even when you are dining out more often. 1. Make sure your orders are healthy. As long as you are maintaining a nutritious diet, dining out shouldn’t be an issue. Especially if you are within the 72% who dinesout for luncheveryday,makesure toavoidgreasyand fatty foodsasmuch as possible. Instead of a cheeseburger, opt for a salad. 2. Try ordering an appetizer instead of an entrée. Appetizers are typically much smaller than main-course meals and are usually enough for one person. There

areusuallysomehealthyappetizeroptions thatcanfillyouupwithoutconsuming too many calories! 3. Save half for later. If your entrée is too big, try saving half to bring for lunch the next day. Instead of stuffing yourself all at once, you’ll already have a meal prepared for the day ahead! 4. Balance dining with exercise. Frequent dining out can lead to unwanted weight gain, in addition to potentially harmful cholesterol or gastrointestinal issues. Adoptingadailyexercise routinecanhelpbalanceanyextracalorieconsumption withphysicalactivity.Making itahabit tohit thegymorgo fora runafteraheavy restaurant excursion can greatly improve your health. 5. Suggest alternatives. Going to a restaurant isn’t the only way to socialize with friends! Suggesting healthier outdoor activities can help you get the outdoor socializationyouwant,whilestillmaintainingyouroptimumhealth.Ridingbikes, going forawalk,or takingahikeareallgreatways tospendquality timeoutdoors with friends and family, while still doing a healthy activity. Contact Core Solutions Physiotherapy & Wellness today! Do you want to find out more about how you can stay healthy and maintain a nutritiousdiet?Contactus today toscheduleaconsultationwithoneofour licensed physiotherapists. We’ll provide you with the resources you need for a healthy and happy season ahead!


SCHOMBERG LOCATION 6048 Highway 9, Suite 13 Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0

CALEDON EAST LOCATION 15955 Airport Road, Suite 101 Caledon, ON L7C 1H9

P: (905) 939-9041 F: (905) 939-9638

P: (905) 584-6747 F: (905) 584-6787

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