There is one consolation about going through “ Tunnel City” to glory—there is a sure opening at the other end, and our Pilot, Christ, and our Conductor, the Holy Spirit, stays with us and our train until we emerge into the glorious sun shine of eternal life and bliss! A little boy lay dying in Sweden. He was a Christian and his prayer had been that he might live only eight days with the dread disease of diphtheria. His prayer was granted. The last day friends, relatives, and neighbors came to bid him farewell. He lay and preached on the texts: “ Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. “ Come, ye blessed of my Father, in herit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matt. 25:41, 34). Many souls left that room, repenting, confessing their sins, and seeking salva tion from the Lord. Toward late afternoon, he suddenly called to his mother, “ Oh mother, do you see that pretty angel? He’s coming to take me!” He stretched forth his hands and smiled, and he was gone! The angel of God had come to take him to his home in heaven. Death had no terrors for him; he was reconciled to God’s will, and to the joys awaiting him in heaven. Mr. Vinson, who lived at Haichow, Kiangsu, was first captured and then killed by bandits. A number of times, before they killed Mr. Vinson, the ban dits pointed their rifles at him and asked him if he were not afraid to die. He only said, “ If you shoot me, I shall go right to heaven.” This was reported by a little Chinese girl who was also a captive. The story has been told of the Home going of an old Christian sailor. He was asked bv another Christian brother, “ What cheer?” He replied with a smile. “ All’s cheer—heaven heaves in sight.” The next day, the Christian brother found him weaker, and asked again, “ What cheer?” The old sailor answered, “ Rounding the Cape— in sight of Home, Pilot aboard.” On the third day, the Christian sailor was asked again, “ What cheer?” This time he had only strength to whisper, “ Alongside of wharf—in port —safe Home!” There will always be good cheer when the Pilot is aboard. “ I know I’ll see my Saviour face to face, When I have crossed the bar.” Will you just now bow your head and prayerfully commit your soul and body to God? I f you are not saved, then confess your sins, seek the pardoning grace of God, accept Christ as your Saviour. God has laid all your sins on Christ at Calvary. A t Calvary you may have eternal life, and with Christ arise in glorious resurrection to immortal life with Him! Death will have no more sorrow for vou.
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