E V A NG E L IST IC HYMN PLAYING Home Study Course composed and directed by Robert Harkness Teaches TEN Accompaniment Methods— also Chimes— Chords— Trills— 80 lessons. Over SIX THOUSAND Students Have Enrolled. Write for Free Details to ROBERT HARKNESS, 20 North Raymond Avenue, Pasadena I, Calif. NOTE: If you cannot already play, ask for— BEGINNERS HYMN PLAYING COURSE WESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE 528 33rd St. .OAKLAND 9, CALIF. H. O. Van Gilder, D.D., President Three-year intensive Bible Course in Mis sions, Pastoral, Chr. Ed., Mysic. Approved for Veterans. Write for Catalog.
April 3, 1949 LONG RANGE STRATEGY 2 Tim. 3:14,15; Luke 9:57-62.
God’s remedy for man’s need is found in His Word and there is no other remedy. The Word o f God has a sanc tifying effect on those who read it and believe it. No juvenile judge is called upon to handle boys and girls who have been reared under the influence of the Scriptures. Delinquency does not follow Bible teaching. The present de cision to eliminate the Bible from our educational institutions and quite often from churches as well, simply means that we rear a generation o f godless, lawless young people who have no re spect for law, property nor persons. We must return to the Bible. Children Should be Taught the Way of Salvation. 2 Tim. 1:5. God’s Word produces godly effects. Little children in the home should be taught the value and in fact the neces sity o f the Lord Jesus, the Bible, the gospel, and godly living. The fear of God and o f punishment and o f hell has al ways proved to be the greatest preven tive of sin and lawlessness. Children need to be taught concerning the pun ishment that awaits those who live god less lives. Children should be taught the Ten Commandments and also the value of being saved from sin by the risen Christ. This in the past has proved most successful in producing godly men and women. Some Volunteer for Profit. Matt. 19:27. The young man in question offered to follow the Lord Jesus anywhere and everywhere. The Saviour looked into his heart and saw the ulterior motive that was there and put his finger on it. Christ clearly stated that no material gain was to be expected in the path that He trod. The young man wanted material gain. We must teach our children that belong ing to Christ and following Him may not always mean the greatest prosperity here, but certainly means eternal bliss in the next life.
Some are Called by Christ. Matt. 9:21.
The young man mentioned in the above paragraph was a volunteer, but this young man was called directly by the Lord. However, he felt that his rela tives had first claim and that their need superseded the need o f the Lord Jesus. He would follow Christ when his father needed him no longer. Christ will not be a secondhand treasure. We shoiild teach our children that the Saviour comes first. His claims are paramount. His call is imperative. They must know that the word of the Lord is authorita tive and commands obedience. This will lead our boys and girls to have the proper respect for God and for His Word. Another Volunteer Offers. John 12:43. The third person in our story wanted to follow Jesus but he wanted to have public recognition from his friends and relatives for the great “ sacrifice” that he was making. He wanted a parting valedictory with flowers and plaudits from his audience. The Saviour had no interest in this program and revealed the unworthy attitude of one who.takes this position. The follower of Christ must go with Him regardless o f friends or position. All of this we learn by read ing our Bible and believing what is stated there. I am so safe in His gentle hands, Nor would I ask to be free. The hands that were laid on the children’s heads Will tenderly deal with me. Hands that succored and hands that served, That fed the hungry with bread, Hands that gave to the blind their sight. Hands that raised from the dead. O beautiful hands of my living Lord! I shall see in eternity — Incredible love—my name engraved In those hands that were pierced fo r me! — Martha Snell Nicholson.
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