King's Business - 1949-03

Heuri Illustrated Adventure [ Story Magazine

133 years ago a small group of men and women decided to dedicate a part of their time to a wider distribution of the Scriptures, believing that God’s Word alone would, in time, make us all “ kind to one another.” Today, thousands of men and women systematically set aside certain money with which they secure Annuity Agreements from the American Bible Society. Two benefits follow :—-first, a regular income for life; and, second, you know that later a portion of your money will be used to print and distribute the Scriptures.


• Thrilling Adventure Stories • A Soul-winning Appeal in Every Issue • Challenges Christians to Faithful Service • A Girls’ Page • A Boys’ Page • Appeals to All Ages • Thoroughly Evangelical and Non-denom- inational • Sold at a Price All Can Afford • Helps to Combat the Evil of Secular Comics • Suitable for Distribution in Sunday Schools and Child Evangelism Classes Since visual aid is a tremendous factor •in teaching, it has seemed proper to offer to our young) people a magazine printed in a style they all enjoy and having as its goal the teaching of basic, evangelical truths. Above all else, we desire to lead souls to receive Jesus Christ as Saviour from sin. 16 pages and cover Published monthly Price Single copy, 20 cents Per year, $2.00 UNION GOSPEL PRESS

Recently the American Bible Society prepared an interest­ ing booklet entitled “ Your Gift that Lives.” We believe you will enjoy reading about the impor­ tant part you may still play in spreading the Gospel to all na­ tions. May we send you a copy?


A merican B ible S ociety 450 Park Avenue, New York 22, N.Y. Gentlemen : Please send me, without obliga­ tion, postagè prepaid, the illustrated booklet, “ Your Gift that Lives.” KB-ll Name------------------------------ -------------------------- Address----------------------------— --------------------- City______________________State-----------------


Box 6059, Cleveland 1, Ohio CHRISTIAN LIFE SERIES

SUNDAY SCHOOL LITERATURE Following the Int. Uniform Lesson Topics Sunday School Officials interested ask for FREE SAMPLES. Address Union Gospel Press

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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