He is responsible, directly or indirect ly, for three-fourths of all the crimes committed, and four-fifths of all the murders done. He has dragged down the gifted and noble of all classes from positions of honor, trust, and usefulness, and with ruined reputations, and names disgraced, has consigned them to a drunkard’s grave and a drunkard’s doom. He has blighted the sunny, happy years of childhood, and caused the little ones to pass their lives in squalor, mis ery, and want; and homes that might have been the abode of perennial hap piness have been turned into habitations of infernal misery. He has prostrated the public press to his purposes and uses, so that, too often, instead of nobly speaking out for justice and right, and the good o f the people at large, it basely yields to his demands to be sustained in his efforts to crush and ruin our race. He has infatuated very many of the office-seekers and office-holders with the belief that it is far more important to promote his interests than to labor for the welfare of the people at large. He has changed, in many places, the Holy Sabbath, with its hours of peaceful quiet, a day devoted to religious observ ances and the worship of Almighty God, to a day o f revelry, drunkenness, and debauchery. In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms; our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated in jury. A ruler whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant is unfit to be the sovereign of a free people. Nor have we been wanting in our at tentions to those engaged in making and selling alcoholic drinks. We have im plored them to have pity upon the suf fering wife and the ragged, starving children; we have appealed to every sen timent of our common nature to induce them to withhold the deadly draught from our boys and young men and the habitual drunkard, but all in vain. They, too, have been deaf to the voice o f justice and humanity, and have laughed us to scorn. We have exhausted all our resources in our endeavors to obtain relief from those engaged in the traffic in distilled and fermented liquors, and have utterly failed. The only course left us to pursue is to dissolve completely our connection with so unjust, so tyrannical, so oppres sive a power. We, therefore, appealing to the Su preme Judge of the Universe for the rectitude of our intentions, do solemnly publish and declare that the people of this land are, and of right ought to be, free and independent; that we are ab solved from all allegiance to King Alco hol, and to all his adherents; that, as free and independent citizens of these United States, we have the right to break away from his control and to ban ish this tyrant from our land. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
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T R A C T S Recommended by Louis T. Talbot, Paul R. Bauman, Sam H. Suther land, and others. Titles include: Life Facts, Hell, Christ Speaks bn Hell, When the Books Are Opened, Ye Must Be Born Again, Sliding Into Hell from a Church Pew, Eat, Drink and Be Merry, The Delusion of Head Belief, Soul Winner’s Chart. Send 10c for samples of all publications listed 1 KING'S CROSS PUBLICATION
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By Rev. F. O. Blair W HEN, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a people to dissolve their connection with the government to which they have hith erto owed allegiance, a decent respect for the opinions of mankind demands that the causes should be clearly set forth which impel them to the separa tion. We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with cer tain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of hap piness; that to secure these rights, gov ernments are instituted among men, de riving their just powers from the con sent o f the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes de structive of these ends, it is the right and duty of the people to alter, or to abolish it; that it is the first law of self-preservation that any State or Na tion may, and of right ought to, do all those things which are necessary to per petuate its own existence; and to abol ish all those practices and to counteract all those influences which are calculated to ruin the body politic, and destroy society. For many years the inhabitants of this country have suffered from the cruel acts and oppressive measures instituted by King Alcohol, with the evident design to reduce our people under an absolute des potism; and after long and patient en durance of flagrant wrongs, and after having made many fruitless efforts to ob tain redress, it is plainly evident that nothing can be hoped from appeals to his justice or mercy. We, the people of these United States, having resolved to cast off the authority of this tyrant, do unite in this declaration of the causes and reasons which constrain us to take so important a step, and set forth the miseries and grievances which have been inflicted on us by him until his govern ment has become a burden too heavy to be borne. The history of his course toward us in the past is a history of repeated injuries and the fiery flood which desolates our land. He has smitten the people with in sanity and idiocy, and filled our asylums with maniacs and driveling idiots, and our prisons with criminals. He has enticed our boys from their homes; sent them forth as tramps and vagabonds in the land, and, instead o f good citizens, they have become the dangerous classes o f society. He has won our young men from lives o f sobriety, industry, and frugality, to a course of drunkenness, indolence, and wastefulness. He has drawn away our young women from the paths of virtue to dens o f in famy and frightful depths of degrada tion.
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