Jesus did not feel that He was too important to take time for the children and for the blind beggar, for God’s Son had come to seek and to serve all. Those who love the Lord Jesus will gladly serve Him in small ways as well as in large ways. They will be as happy to sing with the choir as to sing a solo or just as happy to pass out song books or take the offering as to be the leader in a meeting. Whatever they do will be done joyfully and heartily as unto their Lord.
Bartimaeus to be quiet, he called even louder to Jesus. The Saviour stood still and asked the blind beggar to come to Him. The beggar was so eager to go to Jesus that he cast away his outer gar ment and hurried to the Lord. When Jesus asked the blind man what he wanted, he said, “ Lord, that I Might receive my sight.” Jesus said, “ Go thy way, thy faith hath made thee whole [well].” Immediately Bartimaeus re ceived his sight and followed Jesus in the way.
ceive the Kingdom of God? Altogether through the merit of the Lord Jesus Christ. When he comes to the age when he can understand the message of the gospel, he must receive that Kingdom by personal faith. It is such an attitude of childlike trust that every man and woman must possess if they are to have part in God’s Kingdom. Jesus’ Denunciation of Self-seeking (Mark 10:35-40) When it is least expected, God’s chil dren often manifest a most selfish atti tude. So it was on this occasion. Right after Christ’s announcement of His forthcoming death and resurrection (32-34) James and John came asking preferred places in the Kingdom they believed He would establish. One thing at least may be said in favor of this re quest: it gave evidence of their faith in His coming glory. They believed that in the future He would reign and that His disciples would take part in that reign. It may also be remarked that there was something commendable in the desire of James and John to be near Christ in the future glory. But surely it was not right of them to want to get ahead of their fellow-disciples. The right thing for the followers of Christ to do is to remain faithful in all their service and to leave the matter of definite rewards to the Lord. In harmony with this atti tude, the Lord told James and John, “ To sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give,” that is, He had no favorites. He went on to say, “ It shall be given to them for whom it is prepared” (40). Everyone will re ceive at the end of the race a reward according to his faithfulness (1 Cor. 3:14). Memory Verse: “ The Son o f man . . . came not to be ministered unto [served], but to minister [serve]” (Mark 10:45). The Son of God was always busy with His Father’s work. One day as the Lord Jesus was busy, parents brought their young children to Him that He might touch them. The disciples scolded the parents for disturbing their Master. When Jesus heard what the disciples had done, He was much displeased. The Saviour then spoke the words that Christian children love so well, “ Suffer [allow] the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” God’s Son said that anyone who did not receive the kingdom of God as a little child could not enter His kingdom. Jesus took the children in His arms, placed His hands upon them, and blessed them. Another day, as Jesus was sur rounded by a crowd when He was walk ing down the road outside the city of Jericho, blind Bartimaeus was sitting by the road begging. When the blind beg gar was told that Jesus was passing by, he cried out, “ Jesus . . . have mercy on me.” When some of the people told Helps for the Children Jesus Takes Time to Be Friendly Mark 10:13-16; 46-52
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