H O W CO U LD CHR IST BE A MERE M A N ? (Continued from Page 8) most translatable book, carrying the same quickening power among all races whom it reaches— over 1,000 languages today! It is the basis of thousands of massive volumes of comment, and not a year passes without new books calling attention to its hidden treasures. Jesus said: “ The words that I speak unto you; they are spirit and they are life.” Have not millions found them exactly that? Have any other words so vitally affected human character? Has a mere man o f Nazareth preached ser mons that have become universalized? Well-known skeptics have admitted that the image of Christ as seen in the New Testament could not have sprung from the consciousness of sinful men. “ It would take a Jesus to forge a Jesus.” The very ordinary men who wrote the Gospels could not have invented such a character nor conceived such teach ings. The records must be regarded as the reflection of the actual life of such a Being, and the writers must have felt and seen the spiritual splendor, or they could not have thus portrayed it. Was the One o f whom they wrote “ the Word made flesh” or just a Galilean reformer? I f He WAS what He claimed to be, we should expect to find an influence that never wanes, a voice that never stills, a fulfillment of His prophetic words that is undeniable. Think that one over! We may well ask: “ What manner of man is this?” TIME’S MASTER PIECE? Is He not the ABSOLUTE CENTER OF HUMANITY—the One completely harmonious man in whom the REAL and the IDEAL meet to be come ONE? Is not GOD best known in CHRIST? Admit these things, and you acknowledge that Jesus was indeed the GOD-MAN! REL IG ION OR CHR IST IAN ITY? (Continued from Page 15) spirit of the church influencing the city. Whenever the spirit of the city, town, or community has this result- upon the church, it is because the members of the church are babes in Christ; carnality, or worldliness, has impeded their growth. That church has no influence in the com munity. Where the Christians are Bible lovers, doers of the Word and not hear ers only, then and then only will their lives be abundant, watered by the liv ing stream, springing up in their in nermost beings, supplied by the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, there is a form of godliness which denies the power thereof. From such turn away. Come to the light; it | shineth for thee. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
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Continues carrying on its world-wide missionary evangelistic work, es- gaging and sending out new missionaries, distributing tracts and the Holy Scriptures, supporting one Polish Bible Institute in Warsaw, Poland, and two Russion Bible Institutes, one in Toronto, Canada, and the other in Rosario, Argentina, South America. We are also sending relief to the suffering Christians in Europe, and broadcasting messages in the Russian language over two short wave radio stations, one in Quito, Ecuador, South America, and the other in Manila, P. I. Write to our office for full infor mation. If the Holy Spirit should lead you to have fellowship with us in preaching the gospel around the world among the Slavic-speaking people, please send us your gift. Notice we have moved from 64 West Randolph Street to our Mission Home— RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION, INC.
Peter Deyneka, General Director
2434 North Kedzie Blvd., Chicago 47, Illinois In Canada: 14 Park Road, Toronto 5, Canada On request we will send our magazine, “The Russian Gospel News,” Free, which includes reports on- Europe by P. Deyneka and Peter Pleshko. Dept. K
come to our rescue with food and clothing. Please be assured of our everlasting grati tude.” From many areas in Europe we receive simi lar letters of unbounded gratitude for our food shipments and other forms of relief. This ministry helps to feed the undernour ished Hebrew Christians, to sustain them in their faith and to encourage the spread of the Gospel. The homelessness, hunger and suffering of Jews and Hebrew Christians in Europe is still very great. We earnestly plead for your pray ers and gifts to support our Christlike min istry. Read Matt. 25:31-46. $ 5.00 will pay for a nutritious food parcel. $10.00 will pay for a big CARE food parcel. $10.00 will support an orphan child for a month. A folder of “ News Letters from Hebrew Christians in Europe” sent on request.
One. Hebrew Christian mother from Germany w r i t e s : “ H o w we prayed in our terrible hunger and then your large CARE food par cel arrived! You can imagine our joy! Our family consists of two children and six grand children who lost their p a ren ts. Y o u cannot imagine how it feels to see the children go hungry and I stand by helpless to quiet their hunger.” Another Hebrew Christian writes: “ You can not imagine the misery we have had to en dure and if we did not have faith in Jesus Christ it would not make sense to stay alive. Our Lord helped us during twelve years of unimaginable suffering and now you have
Address gifts and communications to: The International Hebrew Christian Alliance U.S.A. Rev. Jacob Pelti., Ph.B., B.D., Secrefary Canada 4919 N. Albany Ave. Dept. K 91 Bellevue Ave. Chicago 25, Illinois. Toronto, Ontario Page Twenty-eight
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