King's Business - 1949-03

center, and using the letters in the word “ SEND,” complete the following: “MISSED B L E S S I N G , ETERNAL DEATH.” On the second, fold the same, and, using the letters in the word “ GIVE,” complete the following words: “H U N G E R S A T I S F I E D , LIVES BLESSED.” ) Lesson: As I look at these two pieces of paper, both having on them “ SUF­ FERING, DESPAIR, POVERTY, and HUNGER,” I am reminded o f the mul­ titudes in the days of the Lord Jesus. In the 6th chapter of Mark we are told about the feeding of the five thousand. The people were hungry. The disciples said to Jesus, “ SEND them away.” As I fold these flaps over these words, we see only the word “ SEND” left. Have you stopped to realize what would have happened to the multitudes if they had been sent away. I will fold two flaps toward the word “ SEND” and show you. It now reads, “ MISSED BLESS­ ING, ETERNAL DEATH.” Now let us look at the other piece o f paper. As we fold two flaps over the words, the word “ GIVE” remains. Jesus said, “ GIVE them to eat.” Another folding of the flaps produce the follow­ ing words, “ HUNGER SATISFIED, LIVES BLESSED.” The needy people are ever present today and we must either “ SEND” them away or “ GIVE!” them to eat of the Gospel of Christ. If we give them Christ, their hunger will be satisfied and their lives blessed. If we send them away, they will miss the blessing and go into eternal death.

perish with hunger!” He realized at last that the sinful sack contained de­ ceitful nuts. We will call the other sack “ The Sal­ vation Sack.” It, too, has three nuts in it. The first one we crack has a little white silk robe in it. When the prodigal returned home, his father gave him the best robe. When the sinner comes to God, he receives the righteousness of Christ. Upon cracking the next nut, we find that it has a gold ring in it. The father gave the son a ring, showing that he was a member of the family. What a great privilege it is fo r us to be mem­ bers of God’s family! The third nut has bread in it. In the father’s house the son had plenty to eat. Those who accept Christ as Saviour find that He is the Bread of Heaven, which satisfies the hunger o f the soul.

March 6, 1949 D rifting and L ifting

Objects: Six English walnuts, two paper sacks, and a hammer. (One sack should be fancy and the other plain. Open the nuts carefully with a knife, removing the meats. Leave one empty, and fill the remaining five respectively with rags, com husks—the wrapping from a tamale will do—a small white silk robe, a gold band ring, and a piece of bread. Number the. nuts consecu­ tively with a lead pencil. Glue the shells back together, placing the first three in the fancy bag, and the last three in the plain bag.)


--Leading authorities


discuss \ "Are We Living in the

Lesson: If you could choose, which of these two bags would you take? Yes, you are just as foolish as the prodigal son was. He thought he would get much more out of life if he left his father’s home and went into a far coun­ try. What did he receive? We will open this sack and see. Three walnuts! Let’s crack this one and see what we find. Rags! The prodigal did not realize that poverty and rags were in the sack of sin when he chose it. We will try the next one. It is per­ fectly empty. It was not long until the prodigal’s purse and stomach were both empty. Examining the other nut from the sack o f sin, we find corn husks. Living a sinful life, the young man wasted his money, and became so poor that he had to take a job looking after swine. He was so hungry he felt like eating the husks thrown to the pigs. This was pretty poor food for a hun­ gry boy. This young man was not always as foolish as he was when he left the father’s house o f plenty. We are told: “ When he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I M A R C H , I 9 4 9

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March 13, 1949 L iving and G iving

Objects: Two pieces of paper 7x21 inches. (Eold 3% inches from each end, making the size 7x14% inches. Fold each end 3% inches nearer the middle, making the size 7x7%. Now fold sec­ tions 1 and 3 tightly against section 2, and you will find that they will lack % inch of meeting each other. In the %- inch space, on one print the word “ SEND” and on the other the word “ GIVE.” Open the first and, using the letters in the word “ SEND,” complete the following words: “ SUFFERING, POVERTY,HUNGER,DESPAIR.” Open the second, and, using the letters in the word “ GIVE,” complete the following: words: “ SUFFERING, DESPAIR, POV­ ERTY, HUNGER.” Fold the first sec­ tions back and leave blank, allowing the two perpendicular words to show. Fold the outside sections toward the


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