football or dressmaking, and we should be willing to leam by whatever lesson God thinks hest. March 27, 1949 C olors C an C ount Objects: Five candles — red, yellow, black, white and blue. (The blue should be longer than the others. If colored candles are not available cover with colored paper.) Lesson: This large blue candle re minds us of the Lord Jésus, the Light o f the world. Blue is the heavenly color. Before going back to heaven, Christ said to His disciples, “ Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matt. 5-16). When Jesus went back to heaven, only a few people were letting their lights shine. We will let them be represented by this white candle. The candle is white and the light is nearly the same color, for it is clear and shining. This black candle reminds us of those people whose skin is black. Some who call themselves Christians are telling us that we have enough to do at home without going to the foreign mission fields. They forget that the Lord Jesus said to go into all the world. The black candle bums as brightly as the white one does, and black boys and girls can shine for Jesus too, if only someone will tell the good news to them. This yellow candle represents the people whose skin is yellow. China and Japan have their own religions, but most o f the people in China and Japan do not have the Light of the world, the Lord Jesus, and therefore they are lost in darkness. This candle bums as brightly as the others do. Here is a candle representing the Indian people, who are often spoken of as having “ red skins.” Many believe that the Indians are hopeless in their many forms o f idolatry, but the candle bums brightly just like the others do. When a person accepts Christ as Saviour, the Lord comes into his heart, filling it with light, and causing it to shine in this dark world. No matter what the color of the skin may be, people in every land can let their lights shine fo r Christ. There are many examples in the Bible o f the way in which the Lord Jesus ministered to the needs o f other races and then used them to shine fo r Him. Two of these examples are found in Mark 7:24-30, and in Luke 7:1-10, where we read the case of the Syrophenician woman, and of the centurion’s servant who was healed. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
March 20, 1949 A P lan for P rayer
Objects: A cardboard cross, an imita tion dove, or the picture of one, and a piece o f chain. Lesson: A boy once said to the foot ball coach, “ I should like to learn how to play football.’’ The coach replied, “ You will have to learn some hard lessons before you will be able to play a game of football.” A girl once said, “ Mother, will you teach me how to make a silk dress?”
USED RELIGIOUS BOOK CATALOG READY! Write today. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids 6, Mich.
BIBLES, BOOKS, REBOUND, REPAIRED. 28 years experience. Send for prices. Bible Hospital, 1001 South Harwood, Dallas 1, Texas.
PIPE ORGANS, REED ORGANS AND PIANOS. All reconditioned and guaranteed. Also electronic instruments. Write Cannarsa Organ Company, Hollidaysburg, Pa. FIVE NEW GOSPEL SONGS: “My Mansion in Glory,’* “Jesus Is Mine,” “I Am Saved Because He Came,” “My Saviour’s Face,” “Jesus My Sav iour and King.” All for $1.00. No stamps please. G. L. Griswold, 30 Orawaupum St., White Plains, N. Y. NEW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN ANY quantity for distribution to the unsaved: “What Have YOU Done with Christ?” “The Most Impor tant Question of Today.” “Judge or Saviour.” “The Resurrection Body.” “Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the World’s HISTORY.” Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pitts burg, Kansas. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SETTING for your hymn-poem, assures editorial considera tion. Music composing, arranging, editing and printing. Folders free. Raymond Iden (K.B.), Mount Vernon, Ohio. SONG MELODIES HARMONIZED, REASON ABLE". Music arranged, composed, orchestrated. Gladwyn Nichols, P.O. Box 68, El Monte, Calif. GOSPEL OBJECT LESSONS AND VISUAL AIDS. Send 20c, receive one lesson and complete list of material. Charles Morrison, Nichols, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED—TO SELL OUR BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, carefully selected religious books, song books, fine writing, mimeograph printing papers, etc. Liberal commission. Write today for samples and prices. Henry Rising Co., 124 W. Fourth St., Los Angeles 13, California. COME OVER INTO CH ICAGO - Insistent calls have come to us to send full-time workers into Chicago, Philadel phia, Chattanooga and Indianapolis, and to extend our work in New York. Our missionaries are now laboring fruit fully in New York, Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Seattle, Tucson and Phoenix, Santa Monica and Venice, -and in Mexico. The Lord has gloriously met these needs. We believe He is calling us to widen our search for the “ lost sheep of the house of Israel,” and will enable us to meet these new calls. Pray for the Jews—DAILY. And pray for us, earnestly and unceasingly. Harry A. Ironside, Chairman of the Board Hyman J. Appelman, President Write AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR JEWISH EVANGELISM
The mother answered, “ There are many lessons about sewing which you will need to know before you can sew on silk.” The disciples came to Christ and said, “ Lord, teach us to pray.” He gave them a model fo r prayer, but they had not really learned to pray when they could only repeat the words which He had given them. In the case of some, days and even years passed before they learned to pray. They did not realize that the cruci fixion would take place before they would learn to pray. Here is a little cross, reminding us o f one o f the'scenes the disciples had to witness while learn ing to pray. Then, there were the days of waiting between the resurrection and the day o f Pentecost. We will let this little dove remind us o f the coming o f the Holy Spirit on that day, as another lesson in the school o f prayer. Would you like to have this chain around your wrists and be chained in a dark dungeon? Some of the followers of Christ did not learn to pray until they were chained as prisoners and their freedom had been taken away. God often lets different trials come into our lives in order that we may leam to pr^y. Many boys never really pray until they lose something o f value, and then they ask God to help them find it. Many girls never leam to pray until they have problems that they can not solve, and then they ask God to help them. Prayer is o f infinitely more value than TRUE O R FALSE (Continued from Pagel 4 .) 1 . False 9. True 2. True 10. True 3. True 11. True 4. False 12. False 5. True 13. False 6. False 14. False 7. True 15. False 8. True
Pago Thirty
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