Westwood’s integrated marketing campaign.

What makes a winning campaign? Regardless of category, Marketing Excellence Award recipients showed commitment to planning, presentation, theming, detail, and results.

❚ ❚ Planning. A good marketing campaign takes time and thought to put together. Winning entries have solid explanations for the decisions made in the campaign’s development and execution, and preparation and organization were apparent from start to finish. ❚ ❚ Presentation. Content is extremely important – more on that later – but, to borrow a phrase from Marshall McLuhan: “The medium is the message.” The medium influences how the message is perceived. Firms that create unique, stylish, functional, or representational packaging for their Marketing Excellence submissions show an attention to detail and thor- oughness that is usually also present throughout the rest of the campaign. For example, Westwood ’s First Place Integrated Marketing Campaign has “Better treats. Better boxes. Better packaging. Better ideas” printed on the high-quality glossy white box that the treats arrive in. Talk about ensuring that your medium and message align! Though a custom-bound entry wasn’t necessary to win, it often showed a level of commitment to detail and our next recommendation ... ❚ ❚ Theming. A theme doesn’t have to be over-the-top and out-of-the-box to be good, but a commitment to consistency keeps a marketing campaign from appearing thrown together and increases its effectiveness. The theme of a Marketing Excellence submission was often what got the campaign noticed and made it memorable. W e recently completed judging the fantastic set of marketing campaigns for Zweig Group’s 2015 Marketing Excellence Awards. We received entries from firms of various types and structures nationwide. Regardless of category, some overwhelming themes emerged in winning campaigns.

“The most important thing about a marketing campaign is that it achieves an objective. A winning Marketing Excellence Award submission must demonstrate success.”

Christina Zweig


THE COMPLETE LIST OF ZWEIG GROUP’S 2015 MARKETING EXCELLENCE WINNERS Online Marketing 1. TEECOM 2. Harris & Associates 3. Westwood Internal Marketing 1. HLB Lighting Design

THE ZWEIG LETTER AUG Special Event 1. Hickok Cole Architects Inc 2. Westwood 3. HKS Inc. 4. Larson Design Group (LDG) 5. Sanderson Stewart

2. Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd. 3. The Louis Berger Group Inc. 4. Harris & Associates 5. AC Martin Partners Inc.

4. AC Martin Partners Inc. 5. Smith Seckman Reid Inc.

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