Zweig Group is social and posting every day! C O N N E C T W I T H U S Rebranding efforts pay off No. 9 Hot Firm wins top nods for Integrated Marketing, Second Place for Special Event Marketing, Third Place for Online Marketing Campaign. WE S T WOO D P RO F E S S I O N A L S E R V I C E S facebook.com/ ZweigGroup twitter.com/ ZweigGroup linkedin.com/company / ZweigWhite blog. ZweigGroup.com vimeo.com/ ZweigGroup


showcase and align its top talent with its best work, which, in turn, supports lead generation, strategic hiring, and cross- training. “Our promise begins on the inside, which is really the recipe for a successful brand,” she says. Special event marketing Launching Westwood’s refreshed brand identity and promise, “better people, bet- ter results” had to be deliberate and me- thodical. Company-wide alignment and support of the over-arching message was critical, which meant the vision and direc- tion of the company had to be clearly un- derstood by all employees. “We held a month-long, prelaunch cam- paign to generate anticipation and instill the message in- and outside the compa- ny,” McDonough says. “Westwood’s CEO, Paul Greenhagen, was very involved in the launch. Together, we conducted of- fice visits, providing sneak previews and engaging with staff. We also used direct, email and social media marketing to drop early ‘better’ teasers to our staff, vendors and clients. Our ‘better’ branded employ- ee and client gifts really helped instill the message.” “Westwood has experienced many changes during the past decade ... We were challenged to find an effective way to communicate the multi- faceted company that we had become.”


I t’s important to know when it’s time to give your brand a boost, and Westwood Pro- fessional Services (Eden Prairie, MN), a multi- disciplined surveying and engineering firm, didn’t turn a blind eye when its old brand was colliding with its new brand. Westwood took First Place for its In- tegrated Marketing Campaign, Second Place for its Special Event Marketing, and Third Place for its Online Marketing Cam- paign in Zweig Group’s 2015 Marketing Excellence awards. A TRIPLE PLAY: REFRESH, LAUNCH, AND TAKE IT ONLINE.

Integrated marketing “Westwood has experi- enced many changes dur- ing the past decade,” says Clare McDonough, di- rector of marketing and communications. “Our old brand identity start- ed creating confusion and, quite possibly, lost revenue. We were chal- lenged to find an effec- tive way to communicate the multi-faceted compa- ny that we had become. Today, I think our fresh brand identity really cap-

Clare McDonough, Director of Marketing and Communications, Westwood Professional Services.

tures the essence of who we are and what we do – and our simple promise to our cli- ents – with ‘better people,’ we deliver ‘bet- ter results.’ ” The Westwood team has intentionally in- tegrated the brand’s promise into recruit- ing and hiring activities, professional de- velopment, and business processes. Wo- ven into all external communications, it provides Westwood the opportunity to

See WESTWOOD , page 8

Westwood’s online marketing campaign.

External Newsletter 1. Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd. 2. Sam Schwartz Engineering 3. O’Neal Inc. 4. Maser Consulting P.A. 5. Allana Buick & Bers Inc.

Integrated Marketing 1. Westwood 2. Hickok Cole Architects Inc 3. Thornton Tomasetti Group Inc. 4. G2 Consulting Group LLC 5. Garver LLC

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GUST 17, 2015, ISSUE 1116

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