Arbitrum DAO - Ecosystem Incentives contd.
In August 2024, 2 protocols returned funding to the LTIP Multisig wallet: - Integral returned 100k ARB - Verified USD returned of 64k ARB
More protocols are expected to return funding in September 2024 as the LTIP has closed and unused funds are required to be returned.
Total ARB Allocated via AIP
ARB Sent to Qualifying Protocols
ARB Allocated but not Sent to Qualifying Protocols
Unallocated ARB to be Returned to the DAO
OpenZeppelin Average ARB Allocation 356k ARB
OpenZeppelin Protocols Allocated Funding 86
Funding Spent / Allocated 30.7m (68.1%) Funding Unused 14.3m (31.9%)
During August 2024, 2 parties received payment relating to Research Bounties:
- Lampros DAO: 13.9k ARB - Pyor Edge: 50k ARB
Both of these represent half of the total payment each party will receive. There is therefore an amount of 72k ARB unallocated from the original 200k ARB allocated to research bounties.
The current budget unallocated is therefore: - 25k ARB for Wintermute (council member) who do not want to receive payment - 72.3k ARB for Research Bounties
LTIP Operational Budget and Spend to August 2024 (ARB)
Operational Budget
Spend to Date
Allocated but Unspent
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