Welcome New Members 27 December to 27 January 2016
Resident CPT Julian Cardinale, USAR Mr. Jared Hendler CDR David S. Baird, USN
Absent ENS Philip Kuldell, USN ENS Andrea Misa Scharfen, JAGC USN
Be an ANCC Ambassador Word of Mouth Referral is the best way to bring new Members to the Club! Recruit a new Resident Member* & receive a $300** credit that you can spend throughout the Club.
*Does not include new Members who join under the Newly Commissioned, No Initiation Fee category. ** The $300 credit may be applied to everything except Dues, Capital Infusion, Initiation Fees & the Employee Appreciation Fund. Member must be the Primary Sponsor to receive the $300 credit. The credit may not be applied retroactively.
Did you know? Army Major Richard Newman, who built the Fort Riley, Kansas golf course for $700, was instrumental in the development of ANCC Arlington golf facilities. When ANCC leadership requested that he be assigned to oversee the construction of the ANCC course, General Summerall, The Army Chief of Staff, obliged by ordering him to Fort Meyer where the ANCC project was his only duty. Newman’s exceptional resourcefulness and leadership during the next two years resulted in nines being opened in September 1928 and June 1929; the openings were critical to ANCC’s financial viability since dues would not to be charged until golf was available. For additional information, call 888-506-ANCC (2622) or visit .
Trial Membership The Trial Membership program offers the opportunity for people to enjoy the ANCC lifestyle for a preview period of 6 consecutive months with no upfront Initi- ation Fee and access to all of the Club’s facilities and activities. The program is only open to NEW Members. ~ 1.5 of Resident Monthly Dues ~ $200.00 per month of Dues applied to participant‘s account if he/she joins ANCC at end of his/her Trial Membership as a Resident Member ~ Initiation Fee locked in at rate when participant starts Trial Membership ~ Full Dining, Tennis, Fitness and Swim Privileges, Golf Privileges (May golf anytime except before 11 AM on Saturdays) ~$50.00/month Food & Beverage Minimum
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