King's Business - 1941-08

August, 1941



fury of hell broke loose, He will estab­ lish heaven. There, where men once died because of sin, they-will live for­ ever in righteousness. It is only the grace of God that can work thus. . , Golden Text Illustration R evelation 21 :7 Only a portion of the Christian’s in­ heritance can be comprehended in this present earthly life. But “he that over- cometh shall inherit all things.” The superiority of the “ things” to come is illustrated by the following anecdote told by J. C. Clark: “I was once staying at Marazion, in RECREATIONAL READING

Cornwall, and from my bedroom win­ dow I had a lovely view of St. Mich­ ael’s Mount. I looked out the last thing at night and the first thing in the morning. I felt that I should never tire of it, for it was beautiful and pictur­ esque in any light. I happened to speak to a native of the pleasure I derived from the view. He immediately replied, ‘Wait till you see the other side. I’m afraid you won’t think this so beautiful then. It is one mass of flowers over there. You must go across and see the other side.’ 'We are satisfied here only because we cannot see the other side.” The Heavenly Home R evelation 2 1 :22; J ohn 14:1-3 MEMORY VERSE: “He hath made every thing beautiful in his time” (Eccles. 3:11). APPROACH: Did you go on a vaca­ tion this summer? You had a good time, but weren’t you glad to get home again ? Is it the house and furnishings? Or is it the people who live \there ? The things in a. house are nice—they help to make home more pleasant, but no place would really be home if our loved ones were missing—would it? LESSON STORY: No person who really loves the Lord Jesus can feel completely at home in this world be­ cause His face cannot be seen now. We feel His presence and we know He watches over us, but sometimes we grow “homesick” for heaven and the privilege of seeing Him face to face. We know that He has gone ahead of us to prepare us a place because He has told us so (John 14:1-3), and we are eager for the day to come when He shall return to get us. I like my earthly home, but I am eager to see my heav-* enly home, too. Aren’t you ? I want to be there because Jesus is there. My earthly home is a modest place, but it is precious to me because those I love live there. I know that heaven must be a wonderful place, because I read so much about it in the Bible, but the thing thaS really makes it wonderful to me is that the Lord Jesus will be there: I don’t care how my house there looks so long as Jesus is waiting for me. “O that will be glory fbr me, Glory for me, glory for me; When by His grace I shall look on his face, That will be glory, be glory for me.” Are you expecting a home in heaven? S-DIYISIOn You know the song, "Be it ever so hum­ ble, there’s no place like home.’,’ Every­ body sings that song and everybody loves it, because every­ body feels that way about a real home. I wonder what it is that makes a home.

Jesus Christ will prepare one for you if you will just take Him to be your Saviour.

Object Lesson A “ J ” and a W ay

OBJECTS: A capital “J,” and a pair of scissors. (The “J” is made by using a piece of white paper 7x11 inches. For the upright of the “J” make a cross, 7% inches high and 1 inch wide in the upright and crossarm. From the foot of the cross continue 3% inches down to the b o t t o m , over to the left 4% inches, and up 3% inches. Round the corners. This will make the hook por7 tion of the “J.” ' The crossbar should be 4 inches from tip to tip, and .1% inches from the top. Color the front of the: “J” gold. The back should be red, including all of the cross, and the hook should be black. Fold each cross- arm back behind the upright % inch from the upright, to give more the ap­ pearance of a “J.” Fasten to the black­ board with thumb tacks.) LESSON: Who can guess what this golden “J” represents? Perhaps the color will tell you. “Gold stands for heaven.” You are correct, and this “J” stands for the new Jerusalem. We are told about this city in Revelation, 21:2, 4. “And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband . . . And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyeS; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away,” It is no wonder many people want to go to the new Jerusalem,. if there are to be no tears, death, sorrow, and pain. I want to go there. Do. you? Not only does this “J” tell us about the city, but it also tells us how to get there. We will cut it in order that it may better tell us the way to the city. [Cut where the base of the cross and the hook join. Reverse and unfold the crossarm showing a red cross.] We now see a red cross, reminding us of Christ’s cross, on which He died in order that lost sinners might be saved and go to that city. We have a black “U” left. We will fasten it to the cross, showing how you can be saved when you accept the Christ who bore your «ins on the cross.

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