King's Business - 1941-08

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


August, 1941

H. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: I T S VALUE. Solomon in Proverbs 16:16 says that Wisdom is better than gold or silver. Christ is the Wisdom of God (1 Cor. 1:30). Surely in a thousand ways He is worth more than the material things of earth. The speaker may mention some of these ways which appeal most. IH. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: ITS MEANS. We are favored in this land with many helps to a Christian education. Among these are an open Bible, the Sunday- school, Christian literature, Bible In­ stitutes, theological seminaries that honor the Word of God and the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, and Christian Endeavor societies and conventions. IV. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: ITS ABUSE. Solomon was given great wisdom and understanding, but he' abused it. Pride and sin ruined his testimony. We who live in America will be held accountable for our use of our God-given privileges. V. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: ITS EMPLOYMENT. A Christian education should lead a consecrated Christian young person to be “approved” of God (2 Tim. 2:15), a better witness for Him, and more fruit­ ful in Christian service (cf. John 15:1-8). VI. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: HAR­ MONIZING IT WITH SECULAR EDUCATION. There need be no disharmony between the two. Rather, Christian education will show a person how to rightly use secular education. It will keep the student from embracing untruth such as evolution, etc. For the Leader Questions the leader may use for a discussion period concerning the Scrip­ tures assigned for the topic: 1. Why is wisdom better than gold or silver? (Prov. 16:16). 2. Is there any connection between true education and joy? (Eccl. 2:26; 7:11, 12; Prov. 1:7; cf. 3:5-7; 13-26). 3. On what conditions does God give wisdom to a person? (1 Ki. 3:7,9; Jas. 1:5-7). 4. Did Solomon always use correctly the wisdom God gave him? (1 Ki. 4:29, 30; cf. 8:22-24, 30, 54-56, 61; 11:1-11). What about some Christians? 5. Whom has God sent to be the great Educator of the children of God, and how does He do His work? (John 14:26; 16:13-15). Concluding challenge which may be presented by the leader: Realizing the importance and privilege of education and of Christian education in particu­ lar, let us yield ourselves more fully to the guidance and instruction of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, that we may be fitted in the best possible way to witness for Christ in our de­

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Make MORE Money This Christmas With our *‘Bible Text Special”—50 beautiful Christmas folders imprinted with name and choice of Bible verse. Sells for only $1.20. Nothing« else like it. Christians appreciate. Liberal commission. Also, our complete line, Greeting Cards, “ Sunshine” plaques. Calen­ dars. Bible Games, Novelties, etc., pays good profit to yourself or Church Society. Send for returnable samples, and free Display Packet on “ Bible Verse Special.” (Our large agent’s Book, and Bible catalog included free on re­ quest.) Satisfaction guaranteed. Write today. C. W. BOYER 2101 Windsor Rd., Dept. C-8 Dayton, Ohio Pu«pifG0WN$ • Midsummer Sale of BOND FILMSUDES July 15 to August 15 (While Present Stock Lasts) * LOWÉST PRICES IN HISTORY 20%—33% % —50% Discounts on Film« BOND SLIDE CO., (Dept. K) PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Imprest Bible Thoughts on Their Minds As They Sew EILERS’ SEWING TEXT MOTTOES Size 6% x 8 68 W. Washington Chicago Fine materials, beautiful work, pleasingly low prices. Catalog and samples on request. State your needs and name of church. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1126 S. 4th St. Greenville, 111.

GOVERNMENT ‘ P salm 144:9-15 By Lyman A. Wendt Introduction

In every age, the Christian has had to face the question as to what his attitude and relationship shall be toward his gov­ ernment. The matter of government is inescapable! Even if a group of monks, pledged to poverty, should band togeth­ er, it would be necessary to appoint one of their number to handle the funda­ mental questions of shelter and food, to store and apportion the supplies for the next day. And this would be govern­ ment. They would have one other course —to choose an “outsider” to take care of these matters. In this manner they would be able to carry out their inten­ tion, but they would find themselves at the beck and call of this one from the outside. Here also is government—of a different nature. So it has been through the ages. And in each generation, Christians have been forced to decide what their relationship shall be between their “religion” and their "government.” For Those Who Have Topics I. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CHURCH AND STATE THROUGH THE CENTURIES. (Speaker can get additional material from any condensed church history. Ask librarian for help on this subject.) 1. The early church under the ruthless persecution of pagan Roman emperors, A. D. 100-300 (“Nero, as a single ex­ ample, drove his chariot to the imperial gardens between rows of Christian mar­ tyrs wrapped in their burning sheets of flame” ), met In the catacombs, and had absolutely no part In the adminis­ tration of the state. 2. Then came the adoption of “ Chris­ tianity” by the Roman Empire. It degen­ erated into a strange mixture with pag-

Heavy stock. Small holes in card make sewing easy. De­ sign is printed on them. 47 designs. 2 Cents Each. 100- page catalogue free. A H. EILERS & 1124 Pine ST. LOUIS, MO.

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