The Business Review August 2022


June 2022 Employment and Unemployment in Oregon’s Counties Oregon|August2022|PressRelease I n June, unemployment rates declined in 18 of Oregon’s 36 counties.

Unemployment rates in 17 counties did not decline, but held steady over the month. The unemployment rate increased in Umatilla County. Fourteen counties had unem- ployment rates at or below the statewide and nation- wide rate of 3.6% in June. Klamath and Grant counties had Oregon’s highest season- ally adjusted unemployment rate (5.2%) in June. Other counties with relatively high unemployment rates were Curry (4.8%), Crook (4.7%), Josephine (4.7%), and Lincoln (4.7%). Wheeler County registered the lowest unem- ployment rate (2.8%) in June. Other counties with some of the lowest unemployment rates in June included Benton, Hood River, Sherman, and Washington, at 2.9% each. Between June 2021 and June 2022, total nonfarm employ- ment rose in each of the six broad regions across Oregon. The Willamette Valley region experienced the fastest job growth over the year at 3.8%. Employment also grew at a relatively fast pace in the Ǟve Portland-metro counties (3.4%) and Central Oregon region (3.3%). Growth oc- curred at a slower pace along the Coast (1.6%), in Southern Oregon (0.7%), and in East- ern Oregon (0.5%). n

August 2022 | The Business Review


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