TC Chevy’s new solar trackers will produce 140,000 kWh solar power per year and help illuminate the sales lot year round.
illumination of the display lot. The complete Ǟve-Stracker system will produce 140,000 kWh solar power per year, which means an annual 99.2 metric tons of carbon dioxide reduction in the atmosphere. This impressive number is equivalent to the carbon sequestered by 117 acres of US forests every year. “We are very aware of the local sentiment towards clean energy and sustainability,” adds DeBoer. “We thought it was time that an auto dealership goes beyond just selling electric vehicles and takes the lead in implementing clean energy measures.”
Jeff Sharpe, Founder and CEO of Stracker Solar is excited about the upcoming installation. “We are delighted to Ǟnally proceed with this project after unprecedented PaciǞc Power and supply chain delays,” says Sharpe. “And how fun to have a new ǡock of Strackers at the dealership that sells the most electric cars in Southern Oregon!” The installation of the Ǟve Strackers is taking place this month, so the public is welcome to drive by or stop by the dealership to take a close look at these giant all-steel sunǡowers that produce maximum solar power with the smallest footprint. n
About Starcker Solar: • Stracker Solar manufactures, sells, and installs state-of-the-art elevated dual-axis solar trackers. • Strackers are the most robust, highest efʼnciency solar power systems available, generating up to 70% more solar energy each year than same-sized ʼnxed rooftop, carport, or ground-mount systems. This efʼnciency translates to a 55%-65% lower carbon footprint as well. • Stracker’s 20’ pole-mounting allows continued use of the grounds below, which makes the system ideally suited for parking lots, agricultural operations, school yards, community solar projects, and more. • Strackers are developed and manufactured in Ashland, Oregon, and are documenting unparalleled performance across a variety of northern California and southern Oregon climates. • Strackers are the only dual-axis trackers that carry the valued UL 3703 certiʼncation and qualify for Energy Trust of Oregon incentives.
August 2022 | The Business Review
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