Cannapages Sep/Oct 2024 Edition - Southern Colorado

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Dispatches from the Highlands

News from CannaTown SEP-OCT 2024

Vol 11. Edition 1

$4.20 Cents


Astronauts Can't Return Stuck in Space, Page 8 City Council members were happy to unveil a brand new wall, which may or may not be, built in the street. See Stuck in Space.. ...................Page 8 Lab Brain Jones'in Petri Dish, Page 10 A group of scientists grew a brain in a petri dish, then coaxed eyes to grow, until nally, it could search for bud.

Carpenter To Physicist Discovery, Page 11 A local wood-worker made a scientic discovery in his workshop by accident, manipulating light with a common 2x4. See Discovery. ..........................Page 11 Erickson, Signing O Album Notes, Page 14 New albums, old albums -- they’re all game as Erickson takes on the soundtrack to your chill. Final Column. See Album Notes. ..................Page 14 Canndied Cheese Cousin D Recipe, Page 15 Savor for yourself or be the life of the party! Cooking with THC made easy. See Recipe ................................Page 15 Weekly CannaScopes See Fortunes, Page 9 Ancient Bong Broken News in Brief, Page 9 Today’s Coupons feature:

********* A spry club of lads take a moment to chill amongst the veg- egation aer nding an enormous ol' lot 'o trees - full story pg B17 ABOUT HOW WE COULD REALLY USE SOME TREES."

This Buffet is All Infused? Moira Bitterman, Pg 12

Deals In Your Area! Local Maps, Page 16

CP GIVEAWAYS VISIT OR USE THE QR BELOW ENTER UP TO ONCE PER DAY WIN THE HOTTEST Vapes, Bongs & Rigs! It cannot be overstated how much better your chances are of winning this than any lottery that exists today. Go Enter!

SOUTHERN COLORADO CANNABIS LISTINGS Addresses, Phone by Categories: Doctors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Dispensaries . . . . . . . . . . 18 Hemp/CBD.. . . . . . . . . . 26 GlassShops ........... 26 VapeShops ........... 28 Grow Stores . . . . . . . . . . . 29 CBDMassage. . . . . . . . . . 29 Kratom/Herbal . . . . . . . . . 29

MMJ Cards Colorado Springs Page 55 Feel State Colorado Springs Page 35

THCU Trinidad Page 59

21+ Tourist? Recreational Shops Listings on Page 18! FIND DOCTORS, GET MED CARD pg 17 **** SAVE BIG WITH COUPONS pg 31

Page 8

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

CannaTown News


e Highest Authority Since 2009

Cannapages is a JohnsonConcept Company Published by

Nathan Johnson Micah Johnson Isaac Johnson Sales Director Dillon Rice Production Mike G. Customer Success Molly Norton Lead Developer Mike Morris Contributors Dan Henrickson Matthew A. Erickson Cover Art Justin Redmon Logo Aaron Draplin

OTHER HEADLINES Hair Club for Men in hot water for dangerous initiation rituals "New pledges went through harrowing 'Baldrocopy'" pg 150 Decapitated Lambshead Inc tied to listeria outbreak pg 157 How to clean the whole house in 3 minutes or less pg 166 Oasis to headline bus stop restroom pg 171 **Brought to you by Water-Trash Illuminatta** “Aquatic Circus in the Annex Parking Lot” Already known for their snafus, it's been a rough week for CASA, Cannatown Air and Space Association, since two astronauts became stuck in space. But for Barry Cassidy and Dena Willems, veterans of the space age, this is just another saga for the history books. e two had traveled recently to the International Space Hostel (ISH) on a Boing two-person shuttle called the Starwiper. Despite a recent rash of issues from the company, Boing CEO Brianna White had made it a point to arrive at the launch and provide a personal guarantee that the shuttle walls would not fall o. eir time on ISH was to last just a week -- long enough to roll a couple J’s, watch some icks and just kinda kick it. But the wi is reportedly not great and the station is equipped with less than 100 DVDs. When the pair de- cided to leave early to get pizza at Paizano’s, they found another bummer: Starwiper had broken in half. Now the two could be stuck for months with nothing but microwave Ramen and the remaining 12 discs of Are you being Served ? "We’re working on an app that they can use to hail a driver like Uber,” said White at a CASA press conference. She also assured the astronauts are not in any immediate harm. “But we’re trying to convince Mr. Cassidy not to lose his mind and open the emergency hatch, because he can't take Mrs. Slocombe’s voice another night.”

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Greater Denver/Boulder Southern Colorado

Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publica- tion may be reproduced or reprinted without expressed written consent of the publishers. Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of these listings and their inclusion. Cannapages does not accept responsibility or liability for any omissions or errors.

Vol 11. Edition 1

News from CannaTown

Page 9

Libra - e sugary smooth taste of goodness in your mouth, you'll remember what yogurt is, and vomit violently on those around you. Scorpio - e chemical peel wasn’t a bad idea, since it’s pretty much like you got a Halloween mask for free. Sagittarius - Unlike a butt dial, nobody be- lieves you butt RSVP'd to your ex's wedding. Capricorn - You’re such a successful person that they’ll forget you showed up with an obvious piss stain on your khakis. Aquarius - You know, you can’t just joke about having y bucks to give a friend and then, like, not give them that y bucks, yo. Pisces - You wanted to rip o your shirt in the burning heat of the moment, but your failure really killed the mood and the sob- bing didn't help.

CANNASCOPES : Discover Your Fortune! Aries - You will learn a valuable lesson about Depends and the elderly, when you give your grandpa a poorly-timed atomic wedgie. Taurus - You gotta be careful just mixing chemicals and breakfast waes like that. Gemini - Goodbye now, farewell, and don't get decapitated, then burned up in a ery 'splosion. Cancer - You didn’t realize you were being a whiny little bitch when you requested extra carbons for your copies. Leo - You may be no adonis, but you really are a blob. Virgo - As you return from your epiphany, lost in the moment, you'll run over your pissy neighbor's trash cans, again.

What Came to Pass News in Brief

Brains Now Being Rewired by Microplastics Studies now show that microplastics have reached our brains, which means the quantum girae might be right about the silence echo- ing through the subway tunnels. But friends say glass pyramids dri through concrete oceans just like clocks reverse their shadows to dance with fractured time. Experts now await reports from rusted satellites to see if they might hum the same borked lullabies. Museum Visitor Destroys Stone Age Bong A Resinville stoner has unfortunately bro- ken a bong of major signicance and value. Tom McGillicutty, visiting with family over the weekend, struck and broke a large water pipe in the Stone Age exhibit at CT Historical Museum. e shards and resiny bore spilled all over. It soiled the carpet, got all over the drapes, and also damaged some dab rigs carved by Davy Crockett. “It’s really amazing the piece survived this long given its size,” said curator Bre Evans. “But it also stank like hell.”

Farmer Jenkins dips into the supply, Pg B4

Stories in Today’s Other Sections

All the Ping Pong Paddles we’re buying during Rev’s Paddle Shop sale this weekend ........... E6 Committed army general: Town not ready for attack by giant syrup people ............... F2 Yelp gives Google negative one star .......... F7 Pillsbury adds two aky layers ...... ... ...... G13 e couch speaks out .................................. H1

Page 10

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Cannatown Science


Organoids are tiny organs grown in labs by scientists using stem cells, with the purpose of eventually being used in medicine--or at least, super-cool horror movies. Now a team of scientists have taken it to a new level with “Luther,” a large cranial organoid who has grown “optic cups,” and a tiny mouth-hole. Even more dazzling, the celebrity specimen already seems familiar with the concept, and search for, kind bud.

room, serenely resting whenever they came to a nearby cannabis plant. “is brain is jones’n pretty hard," wrote Willy Finket, associate researcher. Later on, Finket led the charge to move the growing brain mass into a large tank; although meant to be airtight by design and lled with puried saline solution, it wasn’t long before it resembled a neglected aquari- um, 75% full of algae and garbage. Still, an at- tached camera was able to catch the organoid depress-

ingly knocking itself against the glass each time the scientists powered up their eNails to dab. Finally, aer the brain seemed to shut down in a depressive state for several months, the researchers devised a new experiment,

"e mammalian brain depends on nerve bers made of retinal ganglion cells, reaching out to connect and transmit information, something we’ve never witnessed in an in vitro system," Barbara Zrjkle of University Hospital Istanbowl told Dispatches. “And this one is clearly searching for some stanky dank.” RIght from the start, the tiny, the human- oid eye bubbles, attached by goopy bers, began looking to land a satchel, according to scientists on the scene, whose report was recently published in National Science Bee. Luther’s optic cups watched with curiosity as the researchers smaked splis during breaks, “ever the more intensely when the joint was passed right in front of him, eectively skipping him in the circle.” e globules continued to glance furtively all over the

in which the tank was converted to a large gravity bong, forcing the scientists’ gigantic plumes through the organoid’s opaque solution. e optic cups, which by then had grown to full size, turned a bloodshot red, while the mouthhole, still a pinprick, turned up at the corners in what could only be described as a “puerile grin.” e results were considered immaterial at rst, until the faint bubbles, or tiny boops coming from the miniscule mouth, were re- corded and edited into full sounds, and then, words. “When pitch-corrected to resemble a real coherent person, it turns out little Luther is speaking what sounds like Italian!” Zrjkle concluded. “Nobody’s been able to translate it yet, but he sure is happy!” “From what we do understand, he also keeps asking for pizza pie,” she said.

Vol 11. Edition 1

News from CannaTown

Page 11

Cannatown Science


In high school shop class, Frank Donners oen got high marks for acciden- tal demonstration of subatomic principles such as gravity and polarity, through many falls and egregious misuse of large magnets. So it wasn’t com- pletely surprising that the 34-year-old Bowlington man accidentally stumbled onto a major breakthrough in the study of light and electromagnetic waves, when, on a random whim, he gured out how to stop light beams in their tracks

Frank Donners, far right, has made a breakthrough in the eld of subatomic physics.

while sitting at his own garage workbench. Even more interesting, the woodworker- cum-physicist was able to accomplish the feat with a mediocre 6-foot 2x4. “e light is completely reduced to a shadow, we believe, due to the opacity of the wood,” he announced to peers in the science community via nonviral video last week. Donner says he was cheeng in his garage laboratory when he came across the strange behavior of certain light waves. “It was if they were suspended in beams, coming from my window, and in these beams I could see the actual oating light particles, especially moreso when I kicked up a bunch of sawdust into it.” It was aer a few piles of sawdust that he suddenly had an epiphany. Following his recovery from a terrible coughing spell, Don- ners managed to snag a nearby framing stud and axed it to the workbench barclamp. en, he sat back to observe the magic. Sure enough, the light, acting as a particle, could not bend, and was totally blocked by the lum- ber, creating a dark shadow on the ground. It was, appropriately, a ground-breaking moment.

“Matilda!” he yelled to his wife, over and over, until the whole family came to observe the phenomenon. e discovery, which brought him acclaim and series of research grants, is now cata- logued in his forthcoming book, “e Block of Light,” which immediately skyrocketed to the top 349,617 on Amazon. Donners, a self-taught carpenter by trade, learned much of what he knows from studying social media outlets and his own intuition. Always drawn to the mysteries of the quantum universe, he is best known among friends for "feats of science," such as "freezing light" by shining a ashlight into an ice-cube tray, and on one occasion, "holding a light particle" suspended in space, between two chopsticks while at the local Chinese buet. Now, energized by his own momen- tum and growing recognition, Donners plans several successive experiments, such as testing whether a groundhog could see its shadow on Groundhog’s Day, by studying his ability to see his own shadow. "I think we all can agree there's gonna be a shadow," he says. "e question that haunts me, is why ?

Page 12

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Cannatown Lifestyle

Wish I'd Known is was an Infused Buet

Moira Bitterman

Oh my gawd , did I just hear Denise right? Did I understand her correctly, that all the food over on that entire taco bar is “medicated”? Like, with heavy THC? Oh my gawd you guys, are you telling me, I just ate a half-plate of a nacho mountain, two crispy rellenos and a chimi- changa, and my entire weight in sopapillas, and it was all hopped up on delta-nine? Holy jalopies , gals! Why didn’t anyone tell me? I would’ve liked to know that the freakin’ buet was infused! Did nobody hear my little story about having to eat dinner at Carl’s parents’ house? ey served lukewarm cod! And in the morning the leovers that lugnut brought home stunk up the whole fridge, I couldn’t even be in the kitchen ! And then I had to skip lunch, running to the bank between the massage and jazzercise. Didn’t anyone see me ravenously eating over here like my life depended on it? I was making up for 24 hours worth of meals in one! Nobody? Gawd, girls. I just wish some- one would’ve told me, “Hey, by the way, this food is all packed with a ton of cannabis !” Can’t you agree, Gina , that you’d probably be pretty pissed if you were about to lose your mind? I don’t have time to trip right now, do you? Oh, you only ate half a churro? Good for you , that’s great Jennifer, I ate four servings . Aw, Jeez. I don’t even know where I put my car keys and jacket. But I should proba- bly get them from the coat room and put it all together and then

Greg, Vic & Barry are Fightin' Again Greg, Vic and Barry have broken into sti- cus again, following a disagreement about what, exactly, custard is. Each has a dierent theory about the egg yolks, and churning and delivery processes. e lactose intolerant Greg, who considers all scoo- pable frozen desserts ice-cream, made the rst move with a jab at Vic’s ribs, but missed, planting a solid hit right into Bar- ry’s chin. en Vic with the le hook. And Barry recovers with the knee right in Greg’s forehead, then stomps on his foot for good measure. And Greg gets Vic with two ngers in the eyes, ouch! And now the headbutt back, right into Barry! is is unbelievable folks, Greg has them both by their vests! It’s going to come down to garments. And it’s Barry with the swing hard right, an up- percut straight to Greg’s jawbone. He’s trying to wear out Greg by poking him repeatedly. And Bar- ry--it must be that blow to the head? Barry’s go- ing down now, he’s melt- ing like a pool of water. Looks like Greg's on his knees aer that last hit. And it's Vic for the win! e other two must now take his opinion as fact!

nd a safe place to sit. Or maybe I should try to make it home rst, before all this kicks in. at’s not a bad idea. How long ago did I order those sopapillas? Where'd my watch go? Did you just play the trumpet? Geez, Linda, who does your nails? You’re talking loud, what did you say? Oh no, it’s kicking in? Oh, cupcakes, girls, it’s kickin’ in. It’s kickin’ in. It’s too late to go home, ladies. Gina, thanks for this makeshi helmet. And Linda, for grabbing my purse--I’ve got it safe and I’m sitting on it. Ooh, tiddles, I may need to go lay down in the broom closet. Oh Tiddles ME. Tiddles me sideways. Did you have the el pastor? I know it’s pork, but is it, like, se- rene ? Gina! Gina! Gina! Did you have the El Pastor ? It seems like there was something bothering me a few minutes ago. Hmm. Do you think they’re bringing out any fried ice cream? Hello, Margaret? Anyone? Where are we? What are we doing right now? Oh my gosh, gals, look at the spread! ey have sopapillas !

Vol 11. Edition 1

News from CannaTown

Page 13


by Rolv Harris

Page 14

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

one held moments of intrigue, but those were outnumbered by others preventing me from fully climbing on board. But here, the fourth time is the charm.

Album Notes from Erickson “The Soundtrack to your Chill”

King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard Flight b741

With regard to its place in their catalog, phrases along the lines of "most accessible" are

If there was one King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard album to win over those previously unsold, this might be it. Flight b741 is practically easy listening by the standards of the Aussie's output. ere's no trash metal. No

found in nearly every review of the Irish group's latest, and I couldn't agree more. Although, that description could arguably be applied to all of Romance's predecessors compared to each prior. While those never quite got me there, something about this one kept my curiosity piqued, despite needing a few listens to fully be persuaded. In the end, there's a so undeniably 90s factor about Romance, one that harkens to those impression- able, formative years in one's life when musical predilection is formed. I dig this Romance .

microtonal jams. No psych freakouts. No extended elec- tronic explorations. Instead, for a group whose albums have largely been eas- ily encapsulated by

expressing a single genre, they launch their new P(doom) Records label with one that is simply 70s rock. It's a full group aair, where harmonies abound more than ever and each member takes a turn as lead vocalist. Crucially, the band sounds like they're having fun, (also conrmed by leader Stu Mackenzie), a trait not always readily apparent on some of their heavier eorts to date. Flight b741 brings big- ger choruses and an overall charm more akin to keyboardist/harpist/vocalist Ambrose- Kenny Smith's other band, e Murlocs, than just about anything else in the Gizzverse. Twenty-six albums in, the Gizz keep Gizzing. While this marks the end of their rule in this domain, they'll no doubt continue to domi- nate my soundscape for years to come.

Bizhiki Unbound

e music of Unbound provides a therapeutic calm while the vibrato wails counter as a cathartic release.

Such is the debut from Bizhiki, a pair of Native Americans, Joe Rainey and Dylan Bizhikiins, along with Sean Carey (of Bon Iver). Largely a mashup of ethereal production with intermit- tent droning beats, the overall tenor of the album is one striving for holism. Although the trio of Carey-led vocal portions may fall at, they also serve to heighten the impact of the remaining eorts powered by Rainey and Bizhikiins, utilizing their powwow style to great eect over what would otherwise seem to be counterintuitive backdrops. Yet, the record succeeds, the artists freeing themselves from preconceived notions, which is to say, Unbound.

Fontaines D.C Romance

It's only taken me four years, and three more albums since a friend's recommendation, to fully embrace a Fontaines D.C. release. Each previous

Vol 11. Edition 1

News from CannaTown

Page 15

Recipes from Cousin D "Canndied" Cheese Nibblers A stoned epiphany led to the recipe we’re trying today: that’s right, we’re making can- died cheese. It’s weird, but good-weird, an adventure of texture and avor all it’s own. If you’ve ever craved something other-worldly to quell a curious palate, this is your ticket. I used 40-count square bite-size silicone molds to make these hors d'oeuvres. Enjoy! Ingredients: Cream Cheese Squares 2 packs cream cheese 1/4 cup infused, melted butter (your dosage) 1/2 cup our 1 cup heavy cream 3 egg yolks 1 cup sugar 1 cup chopped dried fruit (apple/strawberries) Splash of vanilla

Sugar Syrup 2 cups sugar 1/2 cup simple syrup 1/2 cup tequila or liquor of choice Plus 1 bag shredded sharp cheddar 1 package chocolate chips Directions:

Now the magic happens. Melt some choco- late, and dip the “ugly” side of the cheese- cake squares, then sandwich together with the bumpy side a candied cheese square. Allow to cool and set. Should yield about 60-80 pieces, at the dosage you choose. Con- gratulations! You’ve concocted the ultimate cheese-and-chocolate treat. Bon Appétit!

Mix all ingredients together evenly until ready to pour, into each mold half-full. Bake at 350° for about 30 minutes, or until deep golden brown. Remove from the oven and allow to cool -- I even froze overnight to release easier. Pop them out, then clean/prep those molds for next step. e candied part begins with the shredded cheddar. Fill each square loosely but almost full. en stir together the syrup ingredients until a nice sugary goo forms. Pour into a ziploc bag, cut o the corner, and squirt a medium-sized dollop into each pile of cheese. Bake again at 350° for about 30 min or until dark and crisp. Remove aer cooling completely.

Need Help with Infusion? Check out Cousin D's easy guide before you bake!



1. A Cut Above 2. Altitude Organic Medicine, Tejon 3. Altitude Organic Medicine, Academy 4. Altitude Organic Medicine, Platte 5. Floraco 6. Feel State, Lehman 7. Feel State, S Tejon 8. Golden Meds 9. Kind Meds 10. Rocky Mountain Blaze 11. Rooted 12. The Buzz, Silicon 13. The Buzz, Commercial 14. The Green Source, W Fillmore St 15. The Green Source, 8th St 16. The Green Source, E Platte Ave 17. The Green Source, N Academy Blvd 18. The Green Source, Purcell Blvd 19. The Herb Shoppe 20. THCU 21. Three Rivers Dispensary, Santa Fe 22. Three Rivers Dispensary, Magneto 23. Trinidad Gardens






United States Air Force Academy









Palmer Park
























Cheyenne Mountain




24. Medical Alternatives Clinics














Lake Pueblo State Park


Central Park













Trinidad Golf

Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Trinidad, & Surrounding Areas Find the closest marijuana doctor to you online at DOCTORS


Norman W Levin, MD 12 North Main St ......................................................................................... Alma 719-836-1502 Alpha Health Clinic 6035 Erin Park 102 ..................................................................... Colorado Springs 719-362-0646 Canna Med Docs 3730 Sinton Rd 219 ........................................................................ Colorado Springs 720-882-5521 DIANE AL-ABDULJALIL, MD 4740 Flintridge Dr 205 ................................................................................ Colorado Springs 719-445-0383 cannasaver page 55 DOCTORS OF NATURAL MEDICINE 5446 N Academy Blvd 104 ......................................................................... Colorado Springs 719-212-8899 cannasaver page 55 Dr. Clemens 5040 Corporate Plaza 4.......................................................................... Colorado Springs 719-428-3003 Gedde Whole Health Clinic 1526 S Tejon St .............................................................. Colorado Springs 719-216-8367 MEDICAL ALTERNATIVES CLINICS 5040 Corporate Plaza Dr 3 ....................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-246-0393 see ad below - cannasaver page 55 Medical Cannabis Health Givers 5580 Tech Center Dr .................................................................................... Colorado Springs 720-522-9215 Medical Care Solutions 2175 Academy Circle South ........................................................................ Colorado Springs 719-257-9590 RELAXED CLARITY 3133 N. El Paso St. ...................................................................................... Colorado Springs 719-645-5955 cannasaver page 55 SPRINGS MEDCARDS 3225 Templeton Gap Road 215 .................................................................. Colorado Springs 719-314-5178 cannasaver page 55 DOCTORS OF NATURAL MEDICINE 635 W Corona Ave 203 ................................................................................................. Pueblo 719-212-8899 cannasaver page 55 Med Card Associates 1838 Vinewood Lane ............................................................................... Pueblo 719-545-6498 Family Medicine Clinic 100 West 4th St. ............................................................................ Walsenburg 719-738-1164

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Medical Alternatives Clinics

Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Trinidad, & Surrounding Areas Find the closest dispensary to you online at KEY: DISPENSARIES


High Valley Healing 711 W Hwy 285 B US 160 ......................................................................... Alamosa 719-206-3345 La Casa Cannabis II 5986 Budweiser Way ................................................................................................... Alamosa 719-589-3503 High Country Healing 2 40 S Main St............................................................................................. Alma 719-836-9000 Northern Standard 513 N Main St .................................................................................................. Alma 719-836-0420 Dispensary 7884 327 Main St .................................................................................................... Antonito 719-206-7884 Green World Express 5230 Hwy 285 ......................................................................................... Antonito 719-206-3265 High Valley Retail Cannabis 307 Main St (Hwy 285) ............................................................... Antonito 719-376-5251 Backstage Grass 117 Greydene Ave .......................................................................................Canon City 719-285-8607 Fremont County Cannabis 1505 Elm Ave ...............................................................................Canon City 719-275-1000 High Octane 8910 I-25 ........................................................................................................Colorado City 719-676-2197 A CUT ABOVE 1150 E Fillmore Street............................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-434-1665 see ad on front inside cover - cannasavers page 31 AGC 2727 Palmer Park Blvd A ......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-499-5247 ALTITUDE ORGANIC MEDICINE 523 S Tejon Ave......................................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-313-9841 6755 N Academy Blvd .............................................. Colo. Spgs. 719-203-4918 2354 E Platte Ave ...................................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-344-5121 see ad below - cannasavers page 33 Apothecary Farms 3049 Delta Dr .................................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-822-0420 414 Garden of the Gods Rd ..........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-301-1551 Best Budz 3729 Austin Bluffs Pkwy .............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-598-0168 BioMeds 2301 Rand Ave ...............................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-344-8289 Bleezies 3234 N Nevada Ave ........................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-698-6119 Bobby Brown Best Buds 506 S Nevada Ave .........................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-645-8058 Briargate Wellness Center 890 Dublin Blvd C ..........................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-598-3510 Buku Loud 3079 S Academy Blvd ................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-391-2858 Cannabicare 1466 Woolsey Heights ............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-573-2262 Cookies 3475 Pine Tree Square ...................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-694-9384 COS Confidential 3044 W Colorado Ave ....................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-434-1050 Doctors Orders 2106 E Boulder Street .........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-634-8808 Elevations Dispensary 8270 Razorback Rd .......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-468-6337 Emerald City Wellness 621 W Colorado ......................................................................Colorado Springs 719-358-6955 EmJ’s 2918 Wood Ave ...................................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-375-1907




FEEL STATE (North) 5875 Lehman Dr 100 .................................. Colo. Spgs. 719-264-6337 (South) 1004 S Tejon Street..................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-630-7300 see ad below - cannasavers page 35 Flavors 2755 Ore Mill Rd 13 ..........................................................................................Colorado SPrings 719-308-2715 FLORACO 2909 N El Paso St...................................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-418-3854 see ad on page 64 - cannasavers page 37 Fountain Superstore 5421 Rio Vista Dr 200 ................................................................Colorado Springs 719-394-8883 Garden of the Budz 3178 W Colorado ........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-471-2839 GOLDEN MEDS 329 Pikes Peak Ave................................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-630-5075 see ad on page 19 - cannasavers page 39 Grant Pharms 320 Prairie Rd ........................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-387-1633 Grant Pharms II 1591 E Cheyenne Mountain Blvd .................................................................Colorado Springs 719-387-1634 Green Farms 3629 Galley Rd ........................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-424-7028 Green Pharm 2 4335 N Academy Blvd 100 .................................................................Colorado Springs 719-598-8245 Grim 3031 E Platte Ave .................................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-272-1258 Grow Life 115 E Garden of the Gods Rd ......................................................................Colorado Springs 719-635-1700 Haylow Cannabis Company 1330 Garden of the Gods Rd ........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-368-7987 Headmaster 319 Bonfoy Ave ........................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-694-8000 Healing Canna (Bijou) 3692 E Bijou St .................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-637-7645 (West) 22 S Chesnut St B .............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-559-4180 Herbal Healing 408 E Fillmore St .................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-632-5904 High Tops 1022 S Royer St .............................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-473-0279 2306 N Powers Blvd ......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-597-9333 Honey Leaf 3715 Drennan Rd .......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-216-5452 Kanopya Springs 2545 Platte Pl ...................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-204-3442 Kika Kush 3840 N Nevada Ave .......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-698-4090 555 N Circle Dr ...............................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-434-1493 KIND MEDS 1001 S Royer St ......................................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-698-7552 see ad on page 65 - cannasavers page 41 Levity Wellness 426 W Fillmore ...................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-266-5463 Living Rose Wellness 212 S 21st St ............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-473-9797 Lucky Cat Cannabis 1428 N Circle Dr 2 .......................................................................Colorado Springs Coming Soon Lux Leaf 2222 W Colorado Ave ....................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-999-5934 Maggie’s Farm 818 E Fillmore ......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-358-8849 Magnolia Rd Cannabis Co 2489 S Academy Blvd ......................................................Colorado Springs 719-344-9695




MariMeds 222 E Moreno Ave .......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-310-4030 Medical Cannabis and Partners 335 N Circle Dr ........................................................Colorado Springs 719-799-0516 Native Roots (Gas and Grass) 3660 Austin Bluffs Pkwy .................................................Colorado Springs 719-528-7143 (Gas and Grass) 1705 W Uintah ..................................................................Colorado Springs 719-375-5512 (Gas and Grass) 1003 N Academy Blvd .....................................................Colorado Springs 719-550-0327 (Gas and Grass) 1433 S Tejon St ................................................................Colorado Springs 719-434-7739 NuVue Pharma 2304 E Platte Avenue .........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-418-3859 Pure Medical 1905 N Academy Blvd ...................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-375-5880 207 W Rockrimmon Blvd C ..........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-264-0800 8025 N Academy Blvd ...................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-634-7390 Ripple 3615 E Platte Ave Frontage Rd .........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-358-6449 Rocky Mountain Medical 616 Arrawanna Street ........................................................Colorado Springs 719-337-6132 Silver Stem 410 S 8th Street .......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-344-5996 Spark 5024 N Academy Blvd ........................................................................................Colorado Springs The 64 Store 502 W Colorado Ave ...............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-602-0640 The Apotheke 2582 S Academy Blvd ...........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-392-1616 The Chronic Boutique 325 E Pikes Peaks Ave ............................................................Colorado Springs 719-203-5637 The Epic Remedy 1602 W Colorado Ave ....................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-203-6856 2712 E Fountain Blvd ....................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-434-6565 3995 North Academy Blvd ............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-434-2040 4335 E Platte Ave ..........................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-574-4230 THE GREEN SOURCE 975 West Fillmore Street .......................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-633-1300 318 S 8th St ............................................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-635-9002 2103 East Platte Avenue........................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-302-2032 1216 N Academy Blvd............................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-573-5665 see ad on page 66 - cannasavers page 49 THE HERB SHOPPE 3020 W Colorado Avenue ......................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-634-6337 see ad on page 4 - cannasavers page 51




Third Day Apothecary 4865 N Academy Blvd B ..........................................................Colorado Springs 719-266-6699 Total Green 1105 S Chelton Rd ....................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-821-2161 Trichome Health Consultants 2117 West Colorado Ave ..............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-635-6337 Vital Cannabis 1675 Jetwing Drive ..............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-375-5799 Zipz 3745 Interpark Dr ...................................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-375-5113 Wise Cannabis Co 21950 U.S. 285 ...............................................................................................Fairplay 719-838-2172 Green World 401 4th Ave 610 ...............................................................................................Fort Garland 719-206-2837 Southern Colorado Cannabis 29577 CO-159 .....................................................................Fort Garland 719-379-4210 Better Green Dispensary 514 Bent Ave ................................................................................Las Animas 719-456-0404 Lucky Monkey Buds 511 Ambassador Thompson Blvd ........................................................................Las Animas 719-454-1420 Star Buds 420 Bent Ave .........................................................................................................Las Animas 719-456-9620 Wild Wild Weed 335 6th St .....................................................................................................Las Animas 719-404-3500 Earl’s 115 Harrison Ave ............................................................................................................... Leadville 719-293-2770 Floyd’s Fine Cannabis 1101 Poplar St ....................................................................................... Leadville 719-293-2221 Roots Rx 145 Front St ................................................................................................................ Leadville 719-486-0912 Docta Rasta 30 Manitou Ave .........................................................................................Manitou Springs 719-358-6342 Emerald Fields 27 Manitou Ave .....................................................................................Manitou Springs 719-375-0554 Maggie’s Farm 141 Manitou Ave ...................................................................................Manitou Springs 719-685-1655 1:11 Dispensary 17034 CO-17 ...................................................................................................... Moffat 719-937-7716 High Valley Retail Cannabis 60250 County Road T ..................................................................................................... Moffat 719-480-7477 The Sacred Blend 59722 Co Rd T ................................................................................................. Moffat 719-256-0008 Star Buds 611 E 6th St .................................................................................................................. Ordway 719-267-3402 Wild Wild Weed 450 E 1st St ......................................................................................................... Ordway 719-417-1041 Alpine Essentials 850 Commercial Ln A & B ..................................................................... Palmer Lake 719-375-1134 Dead Flowers 855 Hwy 105................................................................................................ Palmer Lake 719-488-9900 Apothecary Farms 1917 Santa Fe Drive...................................................................................... Pueblo 719-544-5323 Canna Cabinet 2630 W Pueblo Blvd ............................................................................................ Pueblo 719-564-2925 Colorado Cannabis Exchange 3377 Stem Beach ....................................................................... Pueblo 719-430-4035 Cookies 3003 W Northern Ave ...................................................................................................... Pueblo 719-582-1949 Doctor’s Orders - Stem Beach 3321 S I-25.................................................................................. Pueblo 719-733-3434 Harvest Dispensary 875 Crane Ridge Dr ...................................................................................... Pueblo 719-544-0363 LivWell 1239 Southgate Pl .......................................................................................................... Pueblo 719-696-8709 2565 N Interstate 25 ...................................................................................................... Pueblo 719-306-0042 Maggie’s Farm 4803 N Interstate 25 ............................................................................................. Pueblo 719-544-2550 NuVue Pharma 4740 Dillon Dr................................................................................................................ Pueblo 719-470-7444 1805 Sante Fe Dr E ......................................................................................................... Pueblo 719-621-1796 Star Buds 1405 Santa Fe Dr ............................................................................................................ Pueblo 719-404-3400 4305 Thatcher Ave ......................................................................................................... Pueblo 719-696-8279 Sticky Icky’s 5341 W State Hwy 96 ............................................................................................... Pueblo 719-470-2839 Strawberry Fields 4116 Nature Center Rd ................................................................................................... Pueblo 719-502-5956 2285 N Insterstate 25 .................................................................................................... Pueblo 719-964-4503 The 404 404 N Greenwood St ....................................................................................................... Pueblo 719-696-9769




The Cannabis Depot 2440 N I-25 .................................................................................................. Pueblo 719-283-8017 The Green Solution 1207 Southgate Pl ........................................................................................ Pueblo 719-387-1630 THE GREEN SOURCE 286 S Purcell Blvd ............................................................ Pueblo 719-547-9022 see ad on page 66 - cannasavers page 49 The Spot 420 3504 N Elizabeth St ................................................................................................ Pueblo 719-544-7768 THREE RIVERS DISPENSARY (MED) 1714 Santa Fe Dr ................................................ Pueblo 719-924-8881 (REC) 1714 Santa Fe Dr ................................................. Pueblo 719-696-8678 see ad on cover page - cannasavers page 61 Cannasseur 922 Hailey Ln B .................................................................................................Pueblo West 719-647-8924 DenCo 922 E Kimble Dr........................................................................................................ Pueblo West 719-431-8445 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BLAZE 78 N Precision Dr ..................................................... Pueblo West 719-647-0058 see ad below - cannasavers page 43 Star Buds 428 S McCulloch Blvd 2888 ................................................................................Pueblo West 719-547-1009 Steel City Meds 74 N McCulloch Blvd 120 ....................................................................................Pueblo West 719-647-5408 Terps Dispensary 38 Silicon Dr ...........................................................................................Pueblo West 719-547-1850 THE BUZZ 67 N Silicon Dr 130................................................... Pueblo West 719-547-8272 cannasavers page 47 The Cannabis Depot 74 Component Dr 130 .......................................................................Pueblo West 719-647-8867 The Dispo 893 E Enterprise Dr ............................................................................................ Pueblo West 719-873-8286 THREE RIVERS DISPENSARY 83 Magneto Dr.......................................................... Pueblo West 719-766-9102 see ad on cover page - cannasavers page 61 Rocky Farms 1709 Swink Ave ............................................................................................... Rocky Ford 719-254-3820 Star Buds 1315 Elm Ave ..........................................................................................................Rocky Ford 719-456-9620 The Station 1701 Elm Ave ..................................................................................................... Rocky Ford 719-383-2080 3D - Salida 248 E Rainbow Blvd ..................................................................................................... Salida 719-539-5496 Nature’s Medicine 7595 US-50 B .................................................................................................... Salida 719-207-4212 Tenderfoot Health Collective 840 Oak Street............................................................................... Salida 719-539-8661 Blazing Hippie 123 W Cedar Ave ................................................................................................. Trinidad 719-483-5001 Elevate 6010 911 E Main St ......................................................................................................... Trinidad 719-442-8114 Faragosi Farms 118 Santa Fe Trail ............................................................................................. Trinidad 719-846-2310 Freedom Road (on Main) 514 W Main Street ...................................................................................... Trinidad 719-422-8181 Highland Health 1505 Santa Fe Trail .......................................................................................... Trinidad 719-846-2449 LivWell 124 Santa Fe Trail ............................................................................................................ Trinidad 719-422-8251 Lucky Monkey Buds 137 W Cedar St ............................................................................................................. Trinidad 719-422-8112 520 Nevada Ave ............................................................................................................ Trinidad 719-422-8112




Magnolia Road Cannabis Co 413 N Commercial St ................................................................................................... Trinidad 719-356-4380 Main Street Cannabis 401 W Main St ......................................................................................... Trinidad 719-967-1111 Native Roots 3140 Santa Fe Trail ................................................................................................ Trinidad 719-422-8130 NuVue Pharma 1400 Van Buren St ............................................................................................. Trinidad 719-846-2376 Rocky Mountain Cannasol 614 Arizona Ave ............................................................................................................ Trinidad 719-422-8141 ROOTED 110 Santa Fe Trail........................................................... Trinidad 719-422-8079 see ad on back cover & inside back cover - cannasavers page 45 Strawberry Fields 116 Santa Fe Trail .......................................................................................... Trinidad 719-422-8066 SugarLoaf 411 N Commercial St ................................................................................................ Trinidad 719-422-8198 THE BUZZ 417 N Commercial St..................................................... Trinidad 719-422-8261 cannasavers page 47 The Other Place Is Greener 466 West E Main St ....................................................................... Trinidad 719-422-8419 The Underground Station 439 N Commercial St ....................................................................... Trinidad 719-422-8365 TRINIDAD GARDENS 422 N Commercial St..................................................... Trinidad 719-422-8298 see ad on page 5 - cannasavers page 53 TRINIDAD’S HIGHER CALLING U 1000 Independence Rd .................................................. Trinidad 719-846-0420 see ad below - cannasavers page 59 Primo Cannabis 34132 US Highway 285 9500 .................................................................................Villa Grove 719-937-7813 Bud Hut 973 US Hwy 85 100 ................................................................................................. Walsenburg 719-738-2837 C1B True Organics 601 S US Hwy 85 87 ............................................................................................... Walsenburg 719-696-4216 Canna City 102 CO-10 A ......................................................................................................... Walsenburg 719-738-2008 Cannaco 25462 US - 160 ........................................................................................................ Walsenburg 719-738-4878 Provisions Dispensary 10232 I-25....................................................................................... Walsenburg 719-738-2062

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