King's Business - 1966-01

FLANNELGRAPHS from GENESIS to REVELATION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Story-O-Graphs Bible Characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAWINGS, full COLOR, •large size. 13 colorful hand painted backgrounds. Vis-U-Fold . . . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod end'fabric board folds into compact roll. Write for FREE folder and price list to: STORY-O-GRAPHS, P.O. Box 145-M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Calif.


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ON TRUSTING IN THE M ERCY OF GOD / trust in the mercy o f God forever and ever. (Psalm 5 2 :8 ). I. What Mercy Is 1. Mercy is not to be confounded with mere goodness. 2. Mercy is a disposition to par­ don the guilty. 3. Mercy is exercised only where there is guilt. 4. Mercy can be exercised no fa r ­ ther than one deserves punish­ ment. II. What Is Implied in Trusting in the Mercy o f God 1. A conviction o f guilt. 2. That we have no hope on the score o f justice. 3. A ju st apprehension o f what mercy is. 4. A belief that He is merciful. 5. T h e conviction o f deserving endless punishment. 6. The cessation from all excuses and excuse-making. III. The Conditions on Which We May Safely Trust in God’s Mercy 1. Public justice must be ap­ peased. 2. We must repent. 3. W e must confess our sins. 4. Make restitution so fa r as lies in our power. 5. Must really reform . 6. Go the whole length in ju stify ­ ing the law and its penalty. 7. Must be entirely submissive to those measures o f the govern­ ment bringing him to convic­ tion. 8. Must close in cordially with the plan of salvation. IV. Mistakes which A re Made on This Subject 1. Many really trust in justice and not in mercy. 2. Many trust professedly in the mercy o f God without fulfilling the conditions on which mercy can be shown. 3. Sinners do not consider that God cannot dispense with their fulfilling these conditions. 4. Many are defeating their own salvation by self-justification. 5. Many pretend to trust in mercy who yet profess to be punished for their sins as they go along. 6. Persons, in the letter, plead fo r mercy who often rely really on justice. 7. Some are covering up their sins, yet dream o f going to heaven. 8. We cannot ask fo r mercy be­ yond our acknowledged and felt guilt. —Charles G. Finney

W e’d like to tell you about AN INVESTMENT NOT DISTURBED by market changes and

WHEATON Survivorship Annuities In a con stan tly-ch an gin g w orld, these Annuities bring y o u , or a survivin g loved one, a fixed in com e— regular, gen erous— for life. T h is in com e is n ot altered n or su b ject to fluctuation as in m any oth er form s o f in vestm ent. T h e W h ea ton A n n u ity agreem ent is simple to execu te; and there is n o w orry ever, a b ou t reinvestm ent. C u rrently, the larger portion o f this in com e is exclu ded from tax. PROVIDES FOR LOVED ONES . . . Fu rtherm ore, a t y o u r hom egoing, these sam e fav ora b le features will be passed on au tom a tica lly to you r desig­ nated lov ed on e w ith ou t incurring costly delays or interference. Please keep in m ind, to o , th a t n ot on ce since 1898, when th e first W h eaton A n n u ity was issued, has the C ollege failed to make pa ym en t in full or on schedule. U nder certain con dition s, m arketable securities and real estate m ay be ex­ ch anged fo r Annuities. W e w ould underscore still an oth er in vestm ent con sideration. W h ile y ou r m on ey is profita bly w orkin g for you , it is also w orkin g “ for Christ and H is K ingdom ” . Y o u r gift-in vestm en t w ill be helping to train you n g men and w om en fo r Christian service— as pastors, teachers, evangelists, missionaries, and lay leadership in business, professional, civ ic and church life. WRITE TODAY FOR FREE BOOKLET . . . PLEASANT TOMORROWS It gives the com plete story on W heaton’s Single Life and Survivorship Annuities, and how the plan can be arranged to best suit your individual needs and circum stances. W e’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding annuities, gifts or wills. N o obligation whatsoever. 'For Christ and His Kingdom'* . . . Since 1860

-W HE A T ON C O L L E G E - W H E A T O N • I L L I N O I S Dept. K16

Please send me without obligation, Pleasant To­ morrows, the illustrated booklet which explains in detail the Wheaton Annuity Plan.


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