King's Business - 1966-01

Perhaps one of her best-loved poems included in the book is: So long as there are homes to which men turn At the close of day, So long as there are homes where children are— Where women stay, If love and loyalty and faith be found Across these sills, A stricken nation can recover from Its gravest ills. So long as there are homes where fires burn And there is bread, So long as there are homes where lamps are lit And prayers are said; Although a people falters through the dark And nations grope, With God Himself back of these little homes We still can hope. 214 pages, cloth, Harper and Row, Publishers, New York, New York; $3.95. BOOK ENDS (A Review of Current Publications) THE SCRIPTURAL BASIS OF WORLD EVANGE­ LIZATION, edited by Don W. HiMis, 59 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.00. For the individual desiring a broader understanding of the many phases of world evangelization as well as those who are desir­ ous of presenting this information to others in mission groups and services. Authors include such well known leaders as Dr. T. J. Bach, Dr. Vernon Mortenson, Donald E. Hoke, Dr. David H. Johnson, Dr. Mabel Cuiter, and Dr. Hillis himself. THE UNFOLDING OF THE AGES, by Paul R. Alderman, Jr.; 148 pages; paper; Loizeaux Brothers, Inc., Neptune, New Jersey. The book reviews the two vital chapters of prophetic significance found in Matthew's Gospel. A list of thirty-five scriptural themes related to the second coming of our Lord is taken from chapters 24 and 25 of this portion of God's Word. Forward is by Dr. E. Schuyler English. The book is carefully cross-referenced. THE CROSS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, by Leon Morris, 454 pages; cloth; William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $6.95. The volume is designed to give an exhaustive study of the New Testament teaching concerning the cross. It deals with the subject of the atonement suggesting that Christ's sacrifice, rather than the incarnation, is the center of New Testament Revelation. The author seeks to use his book as an apology of the Biblical doctrine of the atonement in the tace of modern liberalism. SENSE AND INCENSE, 160 pages; Herald Press; Scottdaie, Pa.; $3.00. The autnor, a Men- noniTe missionary to Somalia, gives a report as to the nature of missionary life, dealing with helpful facts most ambassadors have not had time to tell. It is true that many experienced missionaries learn to take much for granted so that it does not occur to them that they have inreresting information to relate. The chapters are individually styled and very personal in con­ tent interest. Utilizing his journalistic back­ ground, the author has written in a manner making for easy reading. Interesting pictures also enhance the book and make the author's work more understandable. Recommended, books are available from the Biola Book Room , 560 South Hope Street , Los Angeles; and on the La Mirada Campus , 13800 Biola Avenue. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.

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