King's Business - 1966-01


a message from the editor



^ l m o s t a n y o n e , even in Christian circles, who dares speak out against the movies today is considered somewhat o f a "square.” Attendance at the moving-picture theater is considered a "must” if one is to be accepted as a normal individual. Apparently some moving pictures are quite innocuous from a moral standpoint. This type o f picture appears just often enough to bait the unsus­ pecting Christian public into the net o f movie attendance. The plaintive plea o f those who suggest that we ought to attend the "good” motion pictures in order to encourage producers to pro­ vide more and more o f them to the exclusion o f the morally filthy ones has been heard for the past forty years or more. Yet there is absolutely no indication whatever that this sort o f procedure has the slightest effect upon the general type o f picture that is pre­ sented to the American public. The fact, however, that so many good Christian people attend the commercial moving-picture theaters does have a definitely adverse effect. People o f the world do not distinguish between good movies and bad movies; they are all the same to them because all they remember is the filth, immorality and corruption depicted on the screen. They like it and they assume that Christians also like it if they, too, attend. This is but another way in which the world and the church are rather intimately identified. It is totally destructive to the testimony that Christians wish to give and ought to give. Whereas the church o f Jesus Christ has, in these times, well- nigh closed its mouth so far as denouncing the moving pictures is concerned, this business actually has become so degraded, so filthy and so viciously wicked that from time to time protests are made by secularists themselves who make no pretext at main­ taining Christian standards and principles o f morals in the least. For instance, an article appeared in the magazine, Printer's Ink, a news media o f the entertainment world, entitled "Movie Ads are Dirtier Than Ever.” The article states, "Censoring movies is one thing, refusing to help peddle dirt is another. The typical movie ads on these two pages (see below) make it apparent that too often media neglect their responsibility to screen advertising. While these ads are reproduced from newspapers, the same criti­ cism has been leveled against television. O f course the perpetrators THE KING'S BUSINESS

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