and is currently working on a flood miti- gation project. “Though many of our employees are post- ed on projects, the company actively plans events such as picnics, university baseball games, and hikes to bring us all together,” she says. “There are also quarterly staff meetings, and a ‘canstruction’ event to create a sculpture of canned food to raise food contributions for the Hawaii Food Bank, among many other opportunities to volunteer and have fun together.” A FEW OF THEIR FAVORITE THINGS. Company perks are rich. Staff favorites include: ❚ ❚ For some, a company vehicle is provided. The employee selects the vehicle, and the company purchases and maintains it. ❚ ❚ A company-sponsored health program called Whip-It, which offers incentive priz- es to employees to improve their health by exercise, healthy eating, meditation, and volunteering. ❚ ❚ The company pays for professional licenses and for ongoing training opportunities, which includes a bonus for passing. ❚ ❚ For the past three years, the company has created an employees’ stock option pro- gram, which helps employees to plan for a favorable retirement, and this is above the 401K with a matching 3 percent that is also provided. ❚ ❚ The vision of the company to be the very best employer. “This last point keeps us alert to ways to improve the health and welfare of each employee and to attract the very best tal- ent to our company, which makes us com- petitive in the marketplace,” Shephard says. She adds that striving to be a Best Firm to Work For is just the right thing to do. Bowers + Kubota has worked to create a “We Company” and a culture and envi- ronment where employees can thrive and perform superior services for their cli- ents. “Going the extra mile and always improv- ing both our culture and our level of ser- vices is not only what distinguishes us, but is a prerequisite for our continued success. As we create a better workplace, we also create a better community and a better world,” Shepard says. BOWERS + KUBOTA , from page 5

EHS , from page 6

❚ ❚ Training and mentoring opportunities ❚ ❚ The ability to participate in various professional and social groups within the company. “Our exclusive 100 percent virtual structure, commitment to impeccable cli- ent service, consider-it-done attitude, and commitment to the communities in which we live and work set us apart from most firms in our class – allow- ing us to deliver results and exceed expectations,” Evans says. Senior leadership at EHS believes that you must love what you do in order to make your role within a company worthwhile. They support that by offering employees opportunities in areas they would like to pursue and have a pas- sion for – whether that is a new client, project, relocation to work in a differ- ent market, or additional responsibilities in line with the growth strategy of the firm. “When surveying our staff in 2014, the results showed that more than 90 percent of participants plan on retiring at EHS Support,” Evans reports. “We are very proud of this statistic, and it speaks to the organization that we have built.” Beth Hesse joined EHS in 2011 and says that the people she works with are what really makes the firm the best. “It’s such a unique and remarkable firm,” Hesse says. “Beyond the technical and managerial expertise, which we have, the people and the culture drive the success of our company. We all want to come to work each day, and each day we put our best foot forward. My coworkers help motivate me and hold me accountable, thus enabling me to become more than I ever dreamt pos- sible on my own. We do this for each other. We do it for our clients. EHS Sup- port has the best people, period.” THIS AWARD SERVES AS VALIDATION FOR EHS. “As the only virtual environmen- tal consultancy, it demonstrates that providing a rewarding and fun place to work is possible and successful,” Evans says. “As we continue to recruit the best in the business, this award will serve as a constant reminder of our ongoing commitment to our clients, current employees, and future employees.”

HUCKABEE , from page 7

retain top talent and create an environment that makes them want to stay at Huckabee for life. “If our employees are happy, see the value they each provide and believe in our mission, we deliver a better product to our clients and make a greater im- pact on our communities,” she says. For example, Huckabee is a charitable organization that gives through a do- nor-advised fund and encourages employees to actively give back through volunteering or providing leadership on boards and committees. A shared interest in philanthropy has brought employees together to organize supply drives, renovate homes, and raise funds for local nonprofits. Potential clients often make hiring decisions based on a firm’s reputation. “When clients see that we’ve won an award like this, it speaks to our stabil- ity, quality of our team, and strength in our industry,” Brown says. “Also, winning this award will help us continue to recruit highly-qualified employ- ees looking for a company that is a leader in their field and a great place to work.”

THE ZWEIG LETTER AUGUST 10, 2015, ISSUE 1115 THE COMPLETE LIST OF ZWEIG GROUP’S 2015 BEST FIRMS TO WORK FOR 5. Rincon Consultants 6. TerraTherm 7. Capaccio Environmental Engineering 8. Envirocon 9. Nova Consulting Group 10. Barr Engineering Company 11. Epsilon Associates 12. E2 ManageTech 13. Partner Engineering and Science CIVIL ENGINE RING

6. A. Morton Thomas and Associates 7. Provost & Pritchard Consulting Group

1. Choice One Engineering 2. Bowers + Kubota Consulting 3. Comprehensive Environmental 4. Finley Engineering Group 5. Affinis Corp.

8. Delta Airport Consultants 9. P.W. Grosser Consulting 10. Kjeldsen Sinnock & Neudeck

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