Annual Report 2021

TAGNW to recruit industry professionals to create a software development mentorship program to support future retention and equity efforts. The work will further enhance theWCC computer information systems (CIS) program’s paid work-based learning options for students, align curriculum to emerging trends, foster equitable access to the program, and increase engagement and mentorship with industry partners. These efforts reaffirmWCC as a leader in work-based learning opportunities, as well as information technology and cybersecurity education, which are high-demand and high- wage fields that have played a critical role in working remotely during the pandemic. Pending appropriate approvals, the program will begin fall 2021. Though open to all students, the new degree will specifically offer systemically underrepresented student populations a pathway to this career. Graduates will be prepared for employment locally, regionally, and remotely. generous donation. It is such a gift to be able to order the supplies we need without fear of depleting our budget and compromising the program in other ways. We would not be able to continue offering health profession training at WCC if we could not ensure protective equipment for everyone. We never imagined this journey through the pandemic would be this long and arduous, and as we press into another quarter of instruction in this landscape, there is nothing more critical to student success than the ability to provide every student with the opportunity to learn in a safe classroom.” -Carolyn Watson, Associate Dean for Health Professions

health profession students utilize face shields and masks during classroom and clinical activities to ensure they are safe while learning. The utilization of KN-95 masks and face shields, as well as testing, allows for continued learning opportunities while maintaining a safe instructional environment. In March 2021, WCC’s nursing students were able to give back to the community by collaborating with Bellingham Technical College and local healthcare providers on organizing a COVID-19 community vaccination clinic. “As the cost of protective equipment for our faculty, staff and students skyrockets, it is with much gratitude that we thank you for your

Computer Information Systems

The Technology Alliance Group for Northwest Washington (TAGNW) is supportingWCC’s efforts to develop a new associate degree in software development and expand the College’s offerings of paid work-based learning opportunities. After receivingmore than $230,000 in Career Connected Learning grants from the Washington State Employment Security Department in 2020-21, WCC partnered with


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