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European Sustainability Reporting

Standards (ESRS) Summary: ESRS 1 General requirements

The objective of this standard is to set out the general requirements that companies shall comply with when preparing and presenting sustainability- related information under the Accounting Directive as amended by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

ESRS 1 General requirements

ESRS 2 General disclosures


Climate change

Information to be reported


Water and marine resources

1. Categories of ESRS standards,

• Categories of ESRS standards (cross-cutting, topical and sector-specific standards) • Reporting areas and minimum content disclosure requirements on policies, actions, targets and metrics • Drafting conventions

Biodiversity and ecosystems

Resource use and circular economy

reporting areas and drafting conventions

Social Own workforce

Workers in the value chain

Affected communities

2. Qualitative

• Relevance, faithful representation, comparability, verifiability, understandability

characteristics of Information

Consumers and end users

Governance Business conduct

3. Double

• Stakeholders and their relevance to materiality assessment process • Materiality matters and materiality of information • Double materiality • Impact materiality • Financial materiality • Material impacts or risks arising from actions to address sustainability matters • Level of disaggregation

materiality as basis for sustainability disclosures


1. Categories of ESRS

standards, reporting areas and drafting conventions 2. Qualitative characteristics of information 3. Double materiality as basis for sustainability disclosures 4. Due diligence 5. Value chain 6. Time horizons 7. Preparation and presentation of sustainability information 8. Structure of sustainability statements 9. Linkages with other parts of corporate reporting and connected information 10. Transitional provisions

4. Sustainability due diligence

• Sustainability due diligence in governance, strategy and business • Identifying affected stakeholders and assessment of negative impacts

5. Value chain

• Reporting company and value chain • Estimation using sector averages and proxies

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