Indsigt i bæredygtighedsrapportering - 1. udgave

6. Time horizons

• Reporting period • Linking past, present and future • Reporting progress against the base year • Definition of short-, medium- and long-term time horizons for reporting purposes • Presenting comparative information • Sources of estimation and outcome uncertainty • Updating disclosures about events after the end of the reporting period • Changes in preparation or presentation of sustainability information • Reporting errors in prior periods • Consolidated reporting and subsidiary exemption • Classified and sensitive information on intellectual property, know-how or results of innovation • Reporting on opportunities

Additional information

Definitions of key terminology 1. Double materiality:

Double materiality has two dimensions: impact materiality and financial materiality. A sustainability matter meets the criterion of

7. Preparation and presentation of sustainability information

double materiality if it is material from the impact perspective, the financial perspective or both. 2. Financial materiality: A

sustainability matter is material from a financial perspective if it triggers or may trigger material financial effects on the company.

3. Impact materiality: A sustainability matter is material from an impact

8. Structure of sustainability statements

• General presentation requirement • Content and structure of the sustainability statements

perspective when it pertains to the company’s material actual or potential, positive or negative impacts on people or the environment over the short-, medium-and long-term time horizons.

9. Linkages with other parts of corporate reporting and connected information

• Incorporation by reference • Connected information and connectivity with financial statements

10. Transitional provisions

• Transitional provision related to section 1.4 Entity-specific disclosure • Transitional provision related to section 5 Value chain • Transitional provision related to section 7.1 Presenting comparative information • Transitional provision: list of disclosure requirements that are phased-in

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