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European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) Summary: ESRS 2 General disclosures

• The object of this standard is to set out disclosure requirements that apply to all companies regardless of their sector of activity and apply across sustainability topics. • Companies need to apply the disclosure requirements (DR) set in topical ESRS (as listed in Appendix D) that are applicable jointly with ESRS 2. • Companies shall apply the requirements in all instances for those in other topical standards to DR IRO 1 Description of the processes to identify and assess material impacts, risks and opportunities and for those in other topical standards if the sustainability topic concerned is material.

ESRS 1 General requirements

ESRS 2 General disclosures


Climate change


Water and marine resources

Information to be reported | Number of disclosure requirements (DR): 12

Biodiversity and ecosystems

Resource use and circular economy

1. Governance

• The role of the administrative, management and supervisory bodies • Information provided to and sustainability matters addressed by the company’s administrative, management and supervisory bodies • Integration of sustainability-related performance in incentive schemes • Statement on sustainability due diligence • Risk management and internal controls over sustainability reporting • Strategy, business model and value chain • Interests and views of stakeholders • Material impacts, risks, opportunities and their interaction with strategy and business model • Materiality assessment process - Description of the processes to identify and assess material impacts, risks and opportunities, disclosure requirements in ESRS covered by the company’s sustainability statements • Requirement on policies and actions - Policies adopted to manage material sustainability matters, actions and resources in relation to material sustainability matters • Metrics in relation to material sustainability matters • Tracking effectiveness of policies and actions through targets

Social Own workforce

Workers in the value chain

Affected communities

Consumers or end users

Governance Business conduct

2. Strategy

Basis for preparation

The company needs to disclose: • The general basis for preparation of its sustainability statements, including the scope of consolidation, value chain

3. Impact, risk and

information and, where relevant, the disclosure exemption per CSRD

opportunity management

• Disclosures in relation to specific circumstances and provide an understanding of the effect of these circumstances on the preparation of the sustainability statements

4. Metrics and targets

(including time horizons, value chain estimation and others)

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