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European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) Summary: ESRS S1 Own workforce

The objective of this standard is to understand: • How the company manages workforce • Any actions taken and the results of such actions to prevent, mitigate or remediate workforce impacts • The nature, type or extent of material risks and opportunities related to the company’s impacts and dependencies on own workforce and how these are managed • The effects of risks and opportunities on the company’s development, performance and position over short-, medium- and long-term time horizons and therefore, on its ability to create enterprise value • Financial effects on short-, medium- and long-term time horizons of material risks and opportunities related to workforce

ESRS 1 General requirements

ESRS 2 General disclosures


Climate change


Water and marine resources

Biodiversity and ecosystems

Resource use and circular economy


Own workforce

Information to be reported | Number of disclosure requirements (DR): 17

Workers in the value chain

Affected communities

1. Strategy

• Disclosure related to ESRS 2 SBM 2 — interest and views of stakeholders • Disclosure related to ESRS 2 SBM 2 — material impacts, risks and opportunities and their interaction with strategy and business model

Consumers or end users

Governance Business conduct

2. Impacts, risks, and

• Targets related to managing material negative impacts, advancing positive impacts, and managing material risks and opportunities • Characteristics of the undertaking’s employees • Characteristics of nonemployee workers in the undertaking’s own workforce • Collective bargaining coverage and social dialogue • Policies related to own workforce • Processes for engaging with own workforce and workers’ representatives about impacts • Processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for own workers to raise concerns • Taking action on material impacts on own workforce, and approaches to managing material risks and pursuing material opportunities related to own workforce, and effectiveness of those actions

Subtopics 1. Working conditions 2. Equal treatment and opportunities for all 3. Other work-related rights

opportunities management

3. Metrics and targets

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