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European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) Summary: ESRS G1 Business conduct

The objective of this standard is to specify disclosure requirements, which will enable users of the company’s sustainability statements to understand the company’s strategy, approach, processes and procedures as well as its performance in respect of business conduct.

ESRS 1 General requirements

ESRS 2 General disclosures


Climate change


Information to be reported | Number of disclosure requirements (DR): 6

Water and marine resources

Biodiversity and ecosystems

1. Governance

• Disclosure related to ESRS 2 GOV-1 The role of the administrative, supervisory and management bodies • Disclosure related to ESRS 2 IRO-1 Description of the processes to identify and assess material impacts, risks and opportunities

Resource use and circular economy


Own workforce

Affected communities

Affected communities

Consumers or end users

2. Impact, risk and

• Corporate culture and business conduct policies and corporate culture • Management of relationships with suppliers • Prevention and detection of corruption or bribery


opportunity management

Business conduct

3. Metrics and targets

• Confirmed incidents of corruption or bribery • Political influence and lobbying activities • Payment practices


1. Corporate culture 2. Protection of whistle-blowers 3. Animal welfare 4. Political engagement 5. Management of relationships with suppliers, including payment practices 6. Corruption and bribery

Interactions with other ESRS: ESRS 1 General principles, General requirements

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