Fine Art Collector | Spring 2021

Nic Joly

Nic Joly has inarguably been a leading light in how to handle the events of the last twelve months. From ‘pivoting’ [how we’ve all come to loathe that word] and using his studio in the early days to fabricate visors for NHS staff and key workers, then subsequently being inspired to launch the #WhoCaresWins campaign – read more about that here – Nic has succeeded in teasing opportunity from adversity by focusing in on what truly matters. For Nic, that translates to family. When times get hard, and we are tested by circumstances beyond our control, it is our loved ones to whom we turn for solace and respite. Looking at the artist’s spring releases, first launched in February,

it is clear to see the inspiration he drew from the renewed importance of family during the pandemic. Highlighting the love we are lucky to experience during this difficult period, both pieces feature Nic’s signature level of exquisite detail, including miniature scaffolding, a dancing couple and a real playing card. Nic told us: “I’m a romantic at heart and I always have been - but it’s having all the people you love around you during lockdown that has brought out this side of my work.” Find out more about these releases, and our ongoing #WhoCaresWins campaign, on Nic’s YouTube playlist

All You Need Hand-Made Studio Edition Wall Sculpture | Edition of 190 Framed Size 71.5cm x 71.5cm £2,500 Framed

Winning Streak Hand-Made Studio Edition Wall Sculpture | Edition of 190 Framed Size 49.5cm x 49.5cm £895 Framed



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