Finding Energy Through Community and Connection
A message from the NACAC board chair.
By Angelica Melendez
F or many college admission coun- seling professionals, spring can be an intense time — from the flurry of activity in the admission offi- ce to staffing recruitment events to the home stretch of the school year for those working with high school students. And this year we’re doing all of this with the addition of a stressful rollout of the new FAFSA. I hope you’ve had the chance to review NACAC’s enroll- ment deadlines directory. We quickly compiled this information from mem- ber institutions to provide this public
resource as students navigate chang- ing enrollment deadlines and await financial aid information. The direc- tory quickly became the most visited page on the NACAC website when it was released. I see the challenges my students
need to provide them with as many resources as we can to help answer questions on the FAFSA. With all the uncertainty brought on by the FAFSA delays, many of us may be seeking ways to keep up our own energy and motivation. How
and families have faced to complete the FAFSA since its launch. My hope is their frustration will not keep them from pursuing postsecondary educa- tion altogether. As a profession, we need to work together to encourage students and families to move for- ward and stick with the process. We As a profession, we need to work together to encourage students and families to move forward and stick with the process. We need to provide them with as many resources as we can to help answer questions on the FAFSA. do you rest and recharge? I need ways to do this every day — even a small break during the day to find my moment of joy and reconnect with my why. One way to find more energy is to cultivate community and con- nection with fellow professionals.
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