Exceptional Smiles - May/June 2024

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May/June 2024


(440) 483-1003

5825 Landerbrook Drive, Suite 121, Mayfield Heights, OH 44124


Stress can infiltrate many facets of our lives, even our teeth if we allow it to. As a dentist, I’ve seen the ways anxiety or depression can impact patients, everyday people, and even other professionals in my field. From pushing off necessary appointments to suffering in silence, the cost of unchecked mental health struggles can be significant and life-altering. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a good reminder of the necessity of caring for yourself and your feelings.

cry in the chair due to their stress and everything else going on in their lives, but when that happens I always try to reassure them that they are in the right place and they have made such an important step just by showing up. By the end of an appointment, a lot of anxiety dissipates for people. We feel it on the other side of the chair, too. Dentists, hygienists, front desk assistants, and health care professionals constantly face stressors and high-emotion situations. It’s part of our mission to be empathetic and emotionally aware, and it can be easy to absorb some of that anxiety and tension. At times, patients who don’t feel well may not be their usual selves and have trouble expressing their feelings. If someone snaps or is short, staff may perceive it as an attack on them. One thing we try to do is diffuse the situation and realize it’s not us, it’s not them, it’s just the medical situation they are in. That’s why they came to us — so we can help. Everyone experiences stressors, sadness, and struggles, even me. So, finding the methods that help you handle those feelings is crucial. I spend as much time outdoors as I can in the quiet beauty of nature, away from the sounds of traffic. Eating well, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, and getting quality sleep all affect how you ultimately feel and view the world. Spending time with your family and friends and being present in those conversations is also vital. For many years, seeking help was stigmatized, but that’s not the case anymore. Talk to a friend or family member if you face a challenging situation. Even better, talk to a professional. They can teach you about tools and strategies to help you cope. Just remember: Your life is way too meaningful not to enjoy it, not to feel well, and not to take advantage of the resources available. If you or someone you know has been postponing their dental visit, our office offers a nonjudgmental, safe space to ask questions about your dental health. Call our office and mention this article for a free courtesy evaluation in person or through a virtual visit in the comfort of your home. -Dr. Jason Schermer

For many people, a trip to the dentist’s office is already a trigger for stress. If you are also coping with depression, substance abuse, or another type of mental health issue, it can compound the situation. Even minor stresses in your life can have a detrimental effect on your oral health. For example, if you aren’t sleeping right, you may grind your teeth, or if you’re struggling with your regular routine, you may also have trouble eating well. More than anything, the way I see depression manifest itself as dental woes is when people stop caring for their general and oral health due to what they are going through mentally. One of the most common things I’ve heard over the last 20 years is that people often feel embarrassed about their teeth or guilty for not caring for dental problems early on. The hardest step to rebuilding your dental health is picking up the phone to schedule an appointment. We’ve had patients



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Your smile is one of the first things someone may notice about you. So, prepare to break into a big grin because National Smile Month is here, and it’s a bright time to make your dental routine sparkle. Whether you’re looking to whiten your teeth or simply improve your oral hygiene habits, you can take steps today to improve your overall health and grin. FLOSS REGULARLY Flossing at least once daily will ensure you reach plaque and food debris caught in areas of your teeth a toothbrush can’t reach. This will not only prevent decay and gingivitis, but it will also reduce bad breath, the risk of cavities, and gum disease. REDUCE SMOKING If you are a smoker, consider cutting down or eliminating the habit. Smoking tobacco products can stain your teeth. While polishing can

sometimes remove it, the stains can soak into the enamel permanently. Smoking is also linked to gum disease. CUT DOWN SUGAR As tasty as sweet drinks and sodas are, the sugar will do a number on your chompers. High-sugar drinks can contain forms of acid that wear down your teeth. Conversely, water washes away sugar and food particles from your mouth and keeps you hydrated. So, if you reduce sugar and increase your water intake, you’ll see benefits for your overall health. GET A NEW BRUSH Your toothbrush could be damaging your teeth. Make sure the brush you use has soft bristles. Toothbrushes with hard or medium bristles can wear down your teeth and damage your gums. Invest in an electric toothbrush if you want to

step up your brushing routine. They are designed to provide a more consistent clean; many offer timers, and they can access places difficult to reach with a manual brush. SEE YOUR DENTIST The ticket to a healthy smile is getting to your dentist regularly, especially if you notice something unusual. Don’t wait if you are experiencing tooth pain, swelling, or other ailments. The longer you wait to care for dental issues, the further they can progress in the wrong direction. Routine dental visits enable the dentist to catch problems before they cause serious damage. This National Smile Month, get your grin beaming from ear to ear with these tips for healthy teeth! -Dr. Jason Schermer

WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING “I had a fall and badly chipped my front tooth. Dr. Schermer, who is also my regular dentist, got me in quickly and magically made my tooth look like nothing happened!” -Sharon H. — “The team at Exceptional Smiles is amazing. From the time you enter the office until you walk out the door, you are taken care of. Top of line service and staff. Could not imagine going anywhere else for my dental needs.” -Thomas — “Excellent experience. Wonderful, thoughtful staff. Doctor spent time explaining all of my options and answered all of my questions. Never felt like anyone was rushing or trying to quickly end the appointment. Beautiful surroundings made for a relaxing appointment.” -Richard


(440) 483-1003


Navigating mental health resources can be a daunting task, especially when you’re not feeling well. Issues like depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse affect every part of life for those affected. There are too many people who have suffered alone, and it doesn’t need to be that way. In the greater Cleveland area, there is a wealth of dedicated groups and organizations to turn to for help with mental health concerns.

NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS (NAMI) Various mental illnesses Helpline: 216-875-7776 Office: 216-875-0266 2012 West 25th Street #705 Cleveland, OH 44113 namigreatercleveland.org NAMI is a national organization dedicated to helping people nationwide since 1979. Its location in the greater Cleveland area offers programs and support for people experiencing serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and clinical depression. They provide many free services like support groups, educational programs, advocacy help, and referrals. NAMI is there for people of all ages and provides resources for family members and caregivers. Those in crisis who need someone to talk to can contact their hotline to speak with a caring and specially trained volunteer. Mental health issues are just as important, if not more, than your physical health. It’s crucial to take care of yourself and reach out for help. If you are struggling, you are not alone. Talk to a friend or loved one, and if you need more assistance, contact a local resource or national helpline immediately.

THE EMILY PROGRAM Eating disorders 866-502-8694 Multiple locations emilyprogram.com/locations/ohio

THE LANTERN CENTER FOR RECOVERY Substance abuse 216-941-5005 12160 Triskett Rd. Cleveland, OH 44111 thelantern.info The Lantern Center for Recovery provides services for men who are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. The group offers treatment through both long-term residential sober living as well as discussion groups and 12-step meetings. Addiction is progressive and potentially fatal, and the Lantern provides customized programs for each individual. One of the wonderful things about this organization is that its programs are free, thanks to private donations and community support.

The Emily Program has been helping people recover from eating disorders since 1993 and is nationally recognized for its level of compassionate care. The organization offers residential, virtual, day, and outpatient treatments covering a variety of disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder. The Emily Program uses a multidisciplinary approach where patients work with a team of dietitians, medical experts, and therapists to treat the whole individual. Along with diagnosing and treating specific eating disorders, patients participate in healthy wellness activities like yoga and meditation. Their doors are open to anyone, free of judgment, and they embody the belief that “you are more than just your eating disorder.”

Inspired by FoodAndWine.com


Olive Oil Cake With Honey-Yogurt Cream and Strawberries

Ingredients •

1 1/2 cups almond flour 1/2 cup all-purpose flour

• • •

3 1/2 tbsp lime juice 1 tsp vanilla extract

• • • • • • •

Q: Who conducts the spring orchestra? A: May-stro.

1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda

2 qts fresh strawberries, quartered 1 cup plain whole-milk Greek yogurt

1/2 cup granulated sugar

4 large eggs

1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil

• •

1/4 cup heavy cream

1 tsp lime zest

1/4 cup honey

Q: What do you call a bee born in May? A: May bee

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. Lightly grease 8-inch springform pan. Line with parchment paper and lightly grease. 2. In medium bowl, whisk together flours, baking powder, and baking soda. 3. In a stand mixer, whisk sugar and eggs on medium-high, about 3 minutes. Add oil, lime zest, lime juice, and vanilla. On low, gradually add flour mixture until just incorporated. 4. Pour batter into pan. Bake until golden brown and toothpick comes out with crumbs, 40–45 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes. Invert cake out of pan onto wire rack and let cool completely. 5. Whisk yogurt, cream, and honey. Top each cake slice with spoonfuls of yogurt mixture and strawberries. exceptionalsmiles.com

Q: Why don’t monkeys fall from the sky in May? A: That only happens during the Ape-ril showers!

If you would like your favorite joke featured, email Office@exceptionalsmiles.com You may see it in our next issue!




(440) 483-1003

5825 Landerbrook Drive, Suite 121 Mayfield Heights, OH 44124

INSIDE Mental Health Awareness in the Dental Chair Floss Like a Boss What People Are Saying About Us Mental Health Resources in Cleveland You Need to Know Olive Oil Cake With Honey-Yogurt Cream and Strawberries





Retracing Your Steps for Better Health


Psychologists and self-help gurus say it doesn’t help to dwell on where you’ve been. But what if walking backward — literally — could benefit your health? According to a 2023 CNN health report, walking backward is a unique exercise regimen with potential advantages for your joints. Contrary to traditional forward walking, retro walking, as it is often referred to, engages different muscle groups, fosters improved balance, and contributes to overall fitness in various ways. One of the primary benefits is the engagement of muscle groups not heavily used in forward walking. When walking backward, you use your hamstrings, calves, and glutes to a greater extent. This variance in muscle engagement can lead to enhanced strength and toning, providing a good workout. Walking backward can be particularly beneficial for those recovering from injuries and/or dealing with joint issues. The unique motion of retro walking puts less strain on the knees, making it a safer alternative for damaged joints that

still delivers cardiovascular benefits through a low‑impact workout.

As people age, balance and coordination are crucial components of overall fitness. Retro walking challenges both brain and body to adapt to a different spatial orientation, enhancing coordination. For older adults looking to maintain or improve their balance, retro walking can be a tactic to reduce the risks of falls and related injuries. Just start slow. The psychological benefits of walking backward also cannot be overlooked. It’s just plain fun to walk backward, and the low stakes of this exercise can excite those doing it to continue adhering to it. While walking backward may seem unconventional, the benefits are compelling. From targeted muscle engagement to reduced joint impact and enhanced balance, incorporating retro walking into your fitness routine can be a valuable addition. As always, it’s best to ask your primary care physician if it would suit your unique needs.


(440) 483-1003

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