Tertiary Pathways 2023


CHOOSING YOUR SCHOOL SUBJECTS Most subjects at Te Herenga Waka–Victoria University of Wellington can be started from an introductory level. The recommended subjects in this guide will provide you with relevant preparation for particular courses or degrees. Subjects listed as prerequisites should be studied in Year 13, to ensure you have the relevant knowledge and skills to cope with the content of required courses for the degree or major of your choice. If you do not have this prerequisite background in a subject, you will need to take bridging courses. If available, these courses may be best completed over the summer period prior to starting your first year, or you may be able to take them in trimester one or two.


Recommended Prerequisite

Use this guide and the key to help choose your school subjects.

ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING SCIENCE A broad selection of school subjects is recommended. These might include subjects such as Biology, Design and Visual Communication, Digital Technologies, English, History, Mathematics, Physics, or Practical Arts. No portfolio is required. BUSINESS Statistics and essay-based subjects such as English and History are recommended. Business Studies, Digital Technology, and Mathematics are also useful. Accounting and Economics provide good preparation but are not essential as these subjects are taught from an introductory level. For Actuarial Science, Calculus is a prerequisite. COMMUNICATION There are no prerequisites for the Bachelor of Communication. All majors can be started from an introductory level in the first year. DESIGN INNOVATION Subjects to study at school include Design, Design and Visual Communication, Digital Technologies, English, Media Studies, Practical Arts, and Technology. If you do not achieve 14 NCEA Level 3 credits (or equivalent) in one of Art History, Classical Studies, Economics, English, Geography, or History, you will need to do a writing skills course in your first year of the Bachelor of Design Innovation. No portfolio is required.

Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington

October 2021

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