BUSINESS NEWS LEHMAN ENGINEERS PRESENTS CHECK TO DREAMS GO ON On July 15, P. Joseph Lehman, Inc., Consulting Engineers (Hollidaysburg, PA), presented a check for $1,250 to Dreams Go On, a nonprofit organization that provides therapeutic horseback riding sessions to adults and children who are physically challenged and/or receive mental or behavioral health or family therapy services, for the title sponsorship of the Lehman Engineers Horse Trail Ride &Trail Walk. “This is the 9th consecutive year that Lehman Engineers has not only stepped up as the original title sponsor of the event,” said Deb Kelly, program manager for Dreams Go On. “They have also contributed much time and talent over the years from their staff to conceptualize, plan and organize the Trail Ride and Trail Walk. This fund raiser is very important to Dreams Go On, as it has consistently been the largest annual fund raiser for our organization.”

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phenomenal growth, but played a di- rect role in it.” Charles Hager, a graduate engineer, adds that LJA does an outstanding job of providing employees with the re- sources needed to succeed and the au- tonomy needed for professional devel- opment. “I enjoy being part of a family that is genuinely committed to taking care of each other, our communities, and our clients,” he says. “LJA is a company that provides opportunities for all employees to take on meaningful roles and responsibilities that directly contribute to the success of the company.” AWARD REAPS RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION BENEFITS. Irene Gaddis, director of hu- man resources, says that recruiting for top talent in this industry is a very competitive market. “LJA wants to hire the best and brightest in each of our disciplines, and awards like these help us to com- municate and reinforce our brand as a high performing company that is fun to work for,” she says. In the long run, Ladner says that con- firmation that LJA is a Hot Firm and a Best Place to Work helps in recruiting and retention of top talent which ulti- mately helps in the company’s future success. “It also validates to future employ- ees and clients that the LJA process works,” Ladner says.

STRATEGIC GROWTH LJA’s growth has included several strategic acquisitions, such as: ❚ ❚ 2012: LEAP Engineering LLC, which diversified LJA’s services to include coastal engineering, midstream infrastructure, and environmental. ❚ ❚ April 2013: Grounds Anderson LLC, a Houston-based firm that specializes in storm water management, analysis and design of water resource systems, and geographic information systems technology. ❚ ❚ September 2013: Land Surveying Inc., a professional surveying services firm. ❚ ❚ July 2014: Northwest Technical Solutions LLC and Northwest Technical Services LLC. NWTS is a leader in innovation and consulting for the oil and gas sector in areas of deep-water high specification drilling equipment and support systems. NWTS assists companies with staffing, engineering assistance, and consultation. ❚ ❚ July 2014: SeaTech Offshore LLC, the industry leader in offshore inspections with a focus on multidimensional protocols and methods to increase compliance, safety, and reliability. ❚ ❚ December 2014: Frank J. Dillard & Associates Inc. and its partner firm Design Support Solutions Inc. (DSSI), which enhanced LJA’s client and project support capabilities and added service offerings in the areas of planning, design, and construction phase supervision of electrical, instrumentation, and control related projects. ❚ ❚ May 2015: RVE Inc., a Corpus Christi- based engineering firm, bringing subsurface utility engineering, structural engineering and bridge condition assessments, windstorm design and inspections, and security systems to the menu of LJA’s full- service offerings.

“We largest, employee-owned civil engineering firm in Houston, with 500-plus highly committed and motivated ‘owners,’” he says. “Our employee-owners attract the best clients, some who have been with us since our founding. We en- courage an entrepreneurial spirit and believe that our unique approach to employee ownership and involvement has helped us grow by 30 percent in the last three years. We continue to have low employee turnover in a very tight market, and a large percentage of our employees have been with LJA for more than five years.” Employee-owners are involved in vari- ous groups that: ❚ ❚ Help the community through a volun- teer employee committee called LJA Cares are the ❚ ❚ Provide R&R activities for employees and their families in the Fun Commit- tee; and ❚ ❚ Contribute to shaping the culture of the company through its Employee Relations Committee. “We also have annual family-type get- togethers, including a company picnic and holiday party, and we celebrate our growth at our annual anniversary luncheon,” Ladner says. The bottom line is that employees are happy and feel valued. And, they stick around. “LJA is a company that provides op- portunities for all employees to take on meaningful roles and responsibil- ities that directly contribute to the success of the company,” James Ross, vice president says. “Having been with the company for more than 17 years, I have not just witnessed its

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