# 3: O’Neal Inc.

Relevance and employee ownership Organization sees award as confirmation of the importance of its emphasis on attracting, developing, retaining talented professionals.


T he size of the company and the culture makes each employee important. There is a feeling of teamwork because almost everyone knows each other and has ownership. O’Neal Inc. (Greenville, SC), a 280-person integrated engineering and construc- tion firm is in the business of project delivery – in- tegrating overall project planning, design, procure- ment and construction to create cost-effective capi- tal solutions, has always placed an emphasis on at- tracting, developing and retaining talented profes- sionals. This award shows that they are on the right track. Specializing in complicated projects with complex processes and intricate design, O’Neal’s profession- als excel in solving the most challenging concepts in project delivery. “With all of our design and construction profes- sionals in-house, our clients benefit from a true collaboration of disciplines, and we deliver capital projects in a variety of industries, including auto- motive, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, process chemical, manufacturing, energy, and pulp and pa- per,” Brian Gallagher, marketing director, says. Some large industrial clients include Michelin, Bosch, Milliken, BASF, Huntsman Chemical, Coca- Cola, Mitsubishi, and others.

Founded in Paul O’Neal’s basement in 1975, the company was originally a two-person structur- al engineering firm. Today, O’Neal serves a roster of Fortune 500 clients across multiple disciplines. Though Paul retired 10 years ago, he remains chair- man of the firm’s board. THE THREE RS: RECRUITING, RETENTION AND RECOGNITION. Gallagher says the firm strives to provide a posi- tive, family-oriented work atmosphere and chal- lenging work. It also has a great combination of seasoned, long-term employees and younger team members. “We have a number of events that are focused on

See O’NEAL , page 12


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