HISTORY , from page 3


on time: Pretty exciting stuff, but I don’t want to repeat!” Though several attendees have been to multiple Hot Firm confer- ences, Zweig says that first-timers shouldn’t be intimidated. “People coming to the conference for the first time will love it,” he says. “They’ll be inspired. They will feel good. They will meet some fun – and different – people, who will give them inspiration and ideas that they can use in their business. They’ll be energized!” Though there are no plans for high- speed motorcycles in Boston, Zweig says that the 2015 conference is still surrounded in excitement. “This year is exciting because the in- dustry is doing really well,” he says. “Some of the attendees and speakers are really successful, and it’s a great chance to meet and talk with those people in a fun atmosphere.” Though Zweig says all of the ses- sions will be enjoyable and informa- tive for attendees, a few are not to be missed. “Chris Doerschlag has done an amazing job of taking a 25-person architectural firm and turning it into a $100 million-plus integrated organization, with half of its reve- nue coming from sources other than A/E services: That’s cool! Ozzie Nel- son did four acquisitions in 120 days last year. And my big brother will be a speaker,” Zweig says. “He is the chairman of one piece of the largest owner of ad agencies and market- ing companies in the world. He isn’t wired like everyone else and is a clev- er and funny guy: That will be fun!” “The main thing to remember,” Zweig says, “is that you don’t need to be a Hot Firmwinner or Best Firm winner or Marketing Excellence win- ner to attend the conference. Every- one is welcome! If you want to be more successful – or you want your people to be more successful – come to the event, and bring your best people with you!” To learn more or to register for the 2015 Hot Firm and A/E Industry Award Conference, visit zweiggroup. com/conference .

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