Reach new markets with coverage for foreign nationals
Protect more clients with fast & easy coverage from Ethos for ITIN, EAD & visa holders
Broad eligibility
S Coverage for most visa and Employment Authorization Document (EAD) holders with an ITIN or SS@
S Non-visa/EAD holders with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) ages 25-60 also qualify
No medical exams or fluids *
Easy Ethos process
S Cutting-edge technology means an easier process for you and your client}
S Seamless, fully online application with document upload from laptop or phon´
S Instant approvals for most applicants
S Clear, straightforward eligibility rules
Available products:
Ethos Term – Choice with living benefits
Ethos IUL
TruStage Term Life
TruStage W hole Life
TruStage G uarantee d A cce p tance W hole Life
How to prepare for a sale
s² Review your client’s eligibility beginning on the next page²
² Make sure they have all relevant documents ready. V isa and EAD holders will need to upload an image of their relevant document for identity verification. TIN holders will be as k ed to complete identity verification by uploading a government- issued photo ID and a selfie chec k. See our ITIN and Visa/EAD how-to videos for more info P D² Start an agent-assisted application. When you and your client reach the screen that asks, “Are you a citizen or permanent resident of the USA?”, choose “None of the above” to enter your client’s visa, EAD and/or tax ID information.] <² Know when more information may be requested. Most applicants using eligible visas will enjoy instant decisions. For applicants using EADs or ITINs only, some manual underwriting may be required.
*J ust a few health questions
Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) Eligibility
If your client has held both an SSN and ITIN, use the SSN.
Document types
Product eligibility if conditions are met
See below for If your client has both a valid, eligible visa and an EAD, use the visa. eligible visa types.
ITIN + eligible U.S. visa
Ethos Term – Choice Ethos IUL
Your client will need to upload a picture of their visa card for identity verification.
If y our c lie n t h as b o t h a vali d, eligible visa a nd a n EAD, u se t h e visa . Clients using an EAD must meet the following conditions" No intention to travel outside the U.S. within two years of the issue dateQ Must have lived in the U.S. for a minimum of 18 monthsQ Under regular U.S.-based medical care, and have visited their physician in the last 18 months.
Ethos Term – Choice Ethos IUL
ITIN + EAD (no visa)
Your client will need to upload a picture of their EA D for identity verification.
Applicants usin g only an ITIN must meet the followin g criteria " A g es 25–6c $40K minimum annual household incom p R esident of the U.S. for a minimum of 18 month No intention to travel outside the U.S Q Under re g ular U.S. -b ased medical care , and have visited their physician in the last 18 month s Your client will need to upload a picture of their I R S ITIN Confirmation Letter (Notice C P565 ) for identity verification.
Ethos Term – Choice Ethos IUL
ITIN only
Ethos ITIN & V isa A g ent G uide
Social Security number (SSN) Eligibility
Document types
Product eligibility if conditions are met
Ethos Term – Choice Ethos IUL
To qualify for Ethos Term – Choice or Ethos IUL, see below for If your client has both a valid, eligible visa and an EAD, use the visa. eligible visa types.
If client doesn’t meet other eligibility criteria, they may be routed to¶ ± TruStage Term Life — Band 1 ± TruStage Advantage Whole Lif¹ ± TruStage Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life
SSN + U.S. visa
Your client will need to upload an image of their visa for identity verification.
To qualify for Ethos Term – Choice or Ethos IUL, your client must meet the following conditions¶ ± No intention to travel outside the U.S. within two years of the issue date - ± M ust have lived in the U.S. for a minimum of 1 8 months - ± Under regular U.S. - based medical care, and have visited their physician in the last 1 8 months .
Ethos Term – Choice Ethos IUL
If client doesn’t meet other eligibility criteria, they may be routed to¶ ± TruStage Term Life — Band 1 ± TruStage Advantage Whole Lif¹ ± TruStage Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life
SSN + EAD (no visa)
Y our client will need to upload an image of their EAD for identity veri fi cation.
TruStage Term Life — Band 1 * TruStage Advantage Whole Life TruStage Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life
N / A — client will be routed to TruStage Advantage Whole Life
SSN only
* TruStage Term Life — Band 1 : Age 25–69: $5K – $ 1 00K , single ris k class, no tobacco
F or more in f o
Please see our FAQs on page 6 for common agent q uestions.
S ee our for training slides and links to all program information. Foreign Nationals resources page
See our for more information about our manual underwriting process. Field Underwriting Guide
Ethos ITIN & V isa Agent Guide
Eligible visa types
If your client is using a visa, it must be a currently valid, eligible visa type listed below.
Treaty traders
Treaty investors
Australian specialty occupation workers
Priority workers, including persons with extraordinary ability, outstanding professors and researchers, multinational executives and managers
Professionals with advanced degrees or exceptional ability
Skilled workers, professionals, and other workers
Immigrant investors (investment of $1.8 million in a new commercial enterprise and creation of 10 fulltime jobs)
Unmarried sons and daughters of U.S. citizens
Academic students
Dependents of F-1 visa holders
Spouses and children of lawful permanent residents
Unmarried sons and daughters (21 years of age and older) of lawful permanent residents
Married sons and daughters of U.S. citizens
Brothers and sisters of U.S. citizens
Specialty occupations
Free Trade Agreement workers in specialty occupations from C hile and Singapore
H-1 C
N urses in health professional shortage areas
Dependents of H visa holders
I R -1
Spouse of a U.S. citizen
Exchange visitors
Fiancé(e) of a U.S. citizen
Spouse of a U.S. citizen awaiting approval of an I130 immigrant petition
Executives and managers
Workers with specialized knowledge
Vocational students, if authorized for practical training
Dependents of M-1 visa holders
Individuals with extraordinary ability or achievement
Individuals accompanying an O1 visa holder
Dependents of O1 and O2 visa holders
Internationally recognized athletes or members of an internationally recognized entertainment group.
Artists or entertainers in reciprocal exchange programs
Artists or entertainers in culturally unique programs
NAFTA professionals from Canada and Mexico
Dependents of TN visa holders
Spouses of U.S. lawful permanent residents
Ineligible visa categories
If your client ’ s visa is not listed above, it is not eligible for coverage. Examples of visas we do not accept include temporary visas issued for tourists, crewmembers and people transiting through the U.S.
Ethos ITIN & Visa Agent G uide
Foreign Nationals FAQs
Visas, ITIN & EADs
Can I upload my client’s document for them? Yes. If your client is with you and has their relevant document ready, when you get to the upload window, simply choose the green “Camera” button to take a picture. Can my client upload their own document? Yes. On the Document verification page, click “Start Verification” and if necessary, choose the relevant document you’ll be uploading.h & When asked to take a photo of the document, choose “Continue on another device” and enter your client’s phone number or email address so that we can send them a secure linkK & In the SMS or email, have them click the link, which will take them to a document upload window.h & Have them choose the green “Camera” button to take a picture. Images should be well-lit, clear and readable. Your client will have five attempts to upload their document. If you need support, please contact us at 415-639-3968. For clients using an EAD or ITIN only, how extensive do their medical records need to be? Your client needs to have established care with a U.S.-based medical provider within the last 18 months, so we can pull records from the medical provider.
The provider who performs your full physical within the last 18 months will be considered your primary care provider. If you’ve used a medical group with several providers, list the provider who performed your exam as your primary care provider.
My client’s EAD is about to expire, or has recently expired, but they have an extension letter. What should I do? We understand many clients are awaiting EAD renewal, and we are working on a solution for individuals with an extension letter. At this time, if the client is using an SSN, we will route them to TruStage™ Advantage Whole Life. If the client is using an ITIN, unfortunately we are not able to offer coverage at this time. What if my ITIN-only client does not have a driver’s license? All ITIN-only applicants will be asked to upload a photo of their ITIN letter for identity verification. If they have a driver’s license, they will also need to enter the number.
Do you ask for tax returns? No. We reserve the right to verify income if needed during manual underwriting, but in general, we do not ask for tax returns.
General questions
Can my client get an instant decision? Yes, instant decisions are possible. Having an eligible visa results in the least restrictions and highest likelihood of an instant decision. Those without an eligible visa can still enjoy an instant decision, provided they meet the conditions listed. Are there any state exclusions? In California, Ethos IUL is still pending state approval. Additionally, Ethos Term – Choice is available in California without living benefits, which are pending state approval. Product availability in California is not tied to ITIN, EAD & visa eligibility.
Ethos ITIN & Visa Agent Guide
Foreign Nationals FAQs
General questions, cont’d.
Why is product eligibility different for ITIN and SSN holders? Working with our carrier partner Ameritas, Ethos Term – Choice & Ethos IUL eligibility has been expanded to support a range of applicants using an ITIN. We and our carrier partners continue to explore how to cover the widest range of applicants. Can my client get coverage on their own through my agent link? We recommend an agent-assisted sale. On the Quote & Application page in the Ethos agent portal, start from either the Term with Living Benefits tile, or the Index Universal Life (IUL) tile if available to your agency.
Do you offer coverage for Americans living abroad? At this time, we do not offer this type of coverage.
For agent use only.
The information herein is provided solely for educational purposes to provide you with information about products and services offered through Ethos.
Agents are expected to act within the scope of their license and may not sell, solicit or negotiate life insurance unless licensed in the state. Compensation is paid to life licensed agents only.
Ethos Term Life – Choice (form 3034 and state variations) is issued by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. The product is not available in NY. Critical, Chronic and Terminal Illness Accelerated Benefits rider (Form ICC16 CCTIABR 11-16). Ameritas and Ethos Technologies Inc., are separate, independent entities. Ameritas® is a marketing name for subsidiaries of Ameritas Mutual Holding Company, including, but not limited to, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. in Lincoln, Nebraska and Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York (licensed in New York) in New York, New York. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations. For more information about Ameritas®, visit http:/ Ameritas and Ethos Technologies Inc., are separate, independent entities. Ethos offers policies issued by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. (not licensed in New York). Products and their features may not be available in all states. TruStage™ Simplified Issue Term Life Insurance is issued by CMFG Life Insurance Company. This is a term policy to age 80 that has premiums that increase when entering each five-year band: 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, and 75. Base Form Numbers for coverage under 100k: ICC16- A10a-039, A10a-039-2016 & over 100k ICC17-SIT-2, 2017-SIT-2. TruStage™ Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life Insurance is issued by CMFG Life Insurance Company. Death benefit is limited the first 2 years of the policy and is limited to a return of 100% of premiums, plus 10%. Base Form Numbers: ICC16-GAWL, 2016-GAWL. TruStage™ Advantage Whole Life Insurance is issued by MEMBERS Life Insurance Company. Base Form Numbers: ICC20-WLMLIC, 2020-WLMLIC. The insurance offered is not a deposit, and is not federally insured, sold, or guaranteed by any depository institution. Product and features may vary and not be available in all states. Corporate Headquarters: 5910 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53705. © TruStage | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | Confidentiality © 2024 Ethos Technologies Inc. Ethos operates in some states as Ethos Life Insurance Services. CA license #0L28949; AR license #100164629. Ethos offers policies issued by the carriers listed at http:/ Products and their features may not be available in all states. The information and content provided in this document is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered legal, tax, investment, or financial advice. No contract is formed or amended by this document.
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