Coming up....
110th NCWM Annual Meeting July 13th - 17th | Reno, Nevada
The Annual Meeting is the high point of our year where all the hard work pays off. At this meeting, stakeholders will debate important proposals to amend the United States standards for weights and measures. When the debating is done, the votes will be cast Our committees have their work cut out for them with some very full and diverse agendas. Committee agendas are available on our Publication 16 page.
Meeting Location Silver Legacy Resort Casino
407 N Virginia Street Reno, Nevada 89501
(833) 410-3767 Room Rate: $99 Reservation Discount Deadline: June 20th, 2025 Make your Hotel Reservation Now!
Events The Chairman’s Reception will honor Marc Paquette from the State of Vermont. The reception will be Sunday, July 13th, from 5:30pm - 7:00pm. The reception attire is business casual. Our Special Event is on Wednesday, July 16th, where we will enjoy a relaxing evening with colleagues and friends at Greater Nevada Field!
Register by June 20th to secure discounted rates 12
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