2025 NCWM Newsletter, Issue #1

A device is traceable to an active CC if (a) it is of the same type identified on the Certificate and b) it was manufactured during the period that the Certificate was maintained in active status. For manufacturers of grain moisture meters, maintenance of active status also involves annual participation in the NTEP Laboratory On-going Calibration Program, OCP (Phase II). NCWM Publication 14 defines the two terms as follows. "Active Status" – Devices are being manufactured or remanufactured for commercial application under a NTEP Certificate of Conformance. This means that the Certificate of Conformance is in force with an electronic copy of the Certificate of Conformance issued and distributed and all fees have been paid. (Note: The fees refer to the applicable annual maintenance fee for active NTEP certificates, paid by the certificate holder.) "Inactive Status"—An inactive Certificate of Conformance is a Certificate that was previously active, but the devices are no longer being manufactured for commercial applications subject to local regulations or laws; however, devices already manufactured, installed, or in inventory but not yet sold may be used, sold, repaired, and resold under inactive Certificates of Conformance. What does Active mean? Active means the NTEP certificate holder plans to continue manufacturing new devices of the same type traceable to the NTEP certificate and has paid the annual maintenance fee. What does Inactive mean? Inactive means the certificate holder has discontinued manufacturing the device type listed on the NTEP certificate of conformance.


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