Why is certificate status important information? W&M administrators and regulators need to understand that inactive certificates cover devices manufactured prior to the date the certificate became inactive and are in inventory at the manufacturing facility, in inventory at a distributor's facility, removed from a site for remanufacturing (to the same type) or repair then reinstalled; and resold. Certificate holders must understand that the annual certificate maintenance fee must be paid for each active certificate if they intend to continue manufacturing the device. Grain moisture meter certificate holders must understand that they must pay the annual maintenance fee and participate in the ongoing calibration program to keep the certificate active. Load cell certificate holders must understand that they must pay the annual certificate maintenance fee. Does inactive status mean the device installed, approved and in use is no longer traceable to the certificate? Devices already manufactured, installed, or in inventory but not yet sold may be used, sold, repaired, and resold under inactive Certificates of Conformance. Does inactive status mean the certificate is no longer valid? An active certificate is still valid for devices already manufactured, installed, or in inventory but not yet sold. The devices may be used, sold, repaired, and resold traceable to the inactive Certificates of Conformance, which is why inactive certificates are still posted and available on the NTEP certificate database. As a Regulatory Authority, if I find a device that has just been installed and the certificate status is "inactive", how can I determine the date when the device was manufactured? The NTEP Certificate of Conformance database will tell us the date a certificate became inactive. Some devices include date of manufacture information, but that information is not a Handbook 44 marking requirement, so most do not. The best course of action is to obtain the manufacturer, model, and serial number of the device in question. 21
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