2025 NCWM Newsletter, Issue #1


Equimetric Cloud


Whatis EquimetricCloud? EquimetricCloudisthepremiere datacollection andmanagement softwareprogram forweights and measures professionals. WithEquimetricCloud, youcan:

EquimetricCloudslashesrisk exposure. IsEquimetric accurate?Of course. Isitcomprehensive? Yes. Can I getmyreportsout on me? Absolutely. Complexcalculaons runautomacally.Fewerdata transfers greatly increase accuracy. Standardized repor consistency. Seventeenseparate programs aresupported, includingDevice ngensures report Registraon,Package Inspe on andLPG Inspecons… usingthe latestW&Mregulaons.ThemostrecentNISThandbooks are desktop handyPDFs. “Our department has been using Equimetric for the past twelve years, and our sta (both Admins and Field Inspectors) have high praise for the application. We have reduced the time spent on billing by 30%, improved the e ciency of all program inspections, and rely on the exible reporting interfaces to produce our department reports” -Matthew Maiten Deputy Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer Weights & MeaMeasures (Santa Barbara County, CA) “I wholeheartedly recommend Equimetric to any Weights & Measures jurisdiction that wants a robust, reliable, and a ordable solution to tracking all things W&M. The folks at Stowe Research have been reliable and e cient in creating solutions to the various issues we present them with. Equimetric has been able to meet our needs in all facets of or program and has demonstrated a great deal of exibility” -Andrew Kimura Deputy Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer Weights & MeaMeasures (Santa Cruz County, CA)

Prepare monthly, quarterly, and annualreports

Saveme and effort with anall-in-one package.

withasimple mouse click.

Print clean and accurate documents for youand your customers. Track compliance levels and inspection results.

Stowe Research Interna onal has spent 25 years

evolving Equimetric Cloud to meet the growing administra ve requirementsof Weights& Measures jurisdic ons.

Increase department productivity.

Plus,EquimetricCloudcan be custom- tailoredto meetyourdepartment or jurisdictional needs.

1-805-376-8484 STOWERESEARCH.COM

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