WHAT IS AN NTEP CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE? NTEP QUICK GUIDE A certificate Issued by NCWM upon successful evaluation of a device, indicating the device tested is capable of meeting applicable Handbook 44 standards. NTEP APPROVED VERSES LEGAL FOR TRADE NTEP Approved: The evaluation demonstrated that the device is capable of meeting Handbook 44 standards. Legal for Trade: The inspector has verified the device can be used and installed. WHAT DOES AN NTEP EVALUATION COST? All applications fees are due at the time the application is submitted to NCWM. Applications will remain on hold until all funds are received. This fee is non-refundable. NCWM Member Rate: $950 Non-Member Rate: $1,425 Additional lab fees apply. HOW LONG DOES AN NTEP EVALUATION TAKE? It varies with the device type, any backlog that may exist at the laboratory, and if any corrective measures are required to achieve compliance. You will want to discuss progress and expectations directly with your assigned lab. ACTIVE VERSES INACTIVE STATUS Active: The devices are being manufactured or remanufactured for commercial use under an NTEP Certificate of Conformance (CC). The CC is in good standing and all fees are paid. Inactive: An NTEP CC going inactive means that the manufacturer decided not to continue manufacturing the device associated with the CC. Devices already manufactured and installed, or in inventory but not yet sold, may be used, sold, repaired, and resold under the inactive CC as long as they were manufactured prior to the inactive status date. WHAT ARE MAINTENANCE FEES? NCWM charges an annual maintenance fee for all active CCs. By paying the maintenance fees, the manufacturer declares intent to continue manufacturing the device and agrees to the terms and conditions for renewal of the NTEP CC. Maintenance Fees are invoiced each year on October 1st.
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