Participants had the opportunity to attend many meetings of task groups, committees, and subcommittees. The Chairs Reception provided time to gather in a relaxed atmosphere for an outstanding meal and to converse and network together. Great comments were heard from the floor during open hearings in response to new and ongoing proposals. Some of the topics included Weighing in Motion, Uniform Shipping Law, and the General Code related to EVSE to name a few. The meeting included an educational component as well. The technical session highlighted the National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) and included a background of the program, requirements, a certificate of conformance, pictures of NTEP testing, and visuals of the new combined NTEP lab and NCWM headquarters in Lincoln Nebraska. It was all a great meeting and experience. Now that the 2025 Interim Meeting is past, I look forward to my work to make the NCWM mission: “Ensuring Equity and Uniform Standards in a Changing Marketplace,” continue to be relevant. There are many ongoing and new initiatives in place to support and move this mission forward. This column doesn’t have the space to touch base on everything happening, but I’ll mention a few activities. Active planning continues for an EVSE Training School and Trade Show. This event continues to move forward through the efforts and hard work of the committee. Many of you heard the presentation given at the interim meeting for this event. There will be ongoing updates on this as it gets closer. If this may be of interest, please reach out to NCWM for additional information. We are excited and supportive of this first-ever NCWM training event. The unit pricing initiative, led by NIST and fully supported by and in partnership with NCWM, continues to progress. The goal of this work is to update the NIST Special Publication 1181 Unit Pricing Guide and NIST Handbook 130 Uniform Unit Pricing Regulation. This will be of great assistance to jurisdictions that have unit pricing laws and will also benefit the retail industry. I continue to be a strong advocate for accurate retail and unit pricing and this work will assist with improving unit pricing accuracy in retail stores as well as addressing e-commerce applications.
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