Over the last several years the NCWM has added task groups and subcommittees while maintaining many of those already in place. I’ll mention some newer groups including Woman in Weights & Measures, Member Education and Mentorship, and Metrology subcommittees. These and others greatly complement our more established committees, subcommittees and task groups, all working toward goals in their respective areas. As you read this, we are close to our annual Weights & Measures Week celebration. In my 36-year career in Vermont Weights and Measures, I have had great satisfaction and some fun with this event. I have had the opportunity to contribute with numerous articles, presentations, a video, and much promotion and advocacy. I have very much enjoyed explaining what Weights & Measures Week is, which prompts people to ask more questions about what we do and why we do it. What a great opportunity to engage with our administrations, elected representatives, industry, media, and the public!! I hope many of you can do something for Weights and Measures Week, and that you have some enjoyment while doing so. The NCWM has a long tradition of developing uniform standards in partnership with regulatory officials, industry representatives, and technical advisors. As I continue to make appointments to committees, subcommittees and task groups, I am amazed and surprised, but most of all grateful and appreciative of the many volunteers who come forward to be a part of these groups in support of NCWM’s mission. I have appointed six more volunteers to various groups in the last two weeks alone. It is apparent that people have a passion for what they do. It is through all these ongoing initiatives, ever-changing moving parts, and the work of the organization, its members, and volunteers that NCWM continues “Building a Lasting Legacy.” I wish you all well, stay safe and continue the good work, Marc
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