Voting Items: VTM-25.1 UR.2.2. Recording Element The committee has assigned a voting status to the item. MDM-25.1 A.2.2 Other Devices Designed to Make Multiple Measurement Automatically to Determine Volume The committee accepted the amended language vetted through the MDMD work group and Volume focus group. This includes the following sections: Applications, Specifications, Tolerances, and Notes, which are part of MDM-25.2 and MDM-25.3. MDM-25.1 now incorporates all sections, resulting in the withdraw of MDM-25.2 and MDM-25.3. OTH-25.1 2.26 Weigh-In-Motion Systems Used for Vehicle Direct Enforcemen t The updated language posted to NCWM’s website was presented during open hearings and considered by the committee, The committee assigned voting status to the item. Block 3: VTM-23.2 Table T.2. Tolerances for Vehicle Mounted Milk Meters. MLK-23.2 Table T.1. Tolerances for Milk Meters The committee has assigned a voting status to the item. Assigned Items: SCL-22.2 UR.3.1.X Required Minimum for Cannabis Products T he committee decided to keep this item assigned to the NCWM Cannabis Task Group Developing Items: SCL-24.2 Multiple Sections Regarding Tare New Language was recently introduced and subsequently published in Pub 15. This language was considered, and the item was assigned as developing.
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