ABS. How To Recover From A Wrist Or Hand Injury

A wrist or hand injury can develop from a number of caused, such as lifting heavy materials or performing repetitive reaching motions. There are several culprits that can result in upper extremity pain, such as manual labor jobs or physically demanding work around the house. This can include common tasks that you may not have even considered, such as cleaning the gutters, mowing the grass, or hanging up wet clothes.

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Injury Prevention System Systems developed for your team to keep them ahead of the competition. Call for more information! (310) 833-0300

INSIDE : • What Else Can I Do For Hand Pain? • TryThis Immunity Boosting Recipe!

• Staying Active Indoors • Relieve Hand Pain In Minutes www.advancedbalancestudio.com

NEWSLETTER The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


At this point, it is important to complete a hand therapy treatment program to regain the strength and mobility in your wrist to avoid injury to the weakened tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Sprains. If there is no sign of broken bones, your wrist may be sprained. In simplest terms, a sprain happens when the ligaments that hold bones in place are stretched or slightly torn. Since there are eight bones in the wrist, known as carpals, there are a series of ligaments that hold them in place that are at risk for being sprained. Unfortunately, a wrist sprain, while painful, takes time to heal. However, that does not mean you need to keep your wrist immobile while it does. Targeted exercises followed by ice therapy and compression are great for helping a wrist stay mobile and strong while it heals. Hand therapy also strengthens the surrounding muscles and tissue to keep the wrist in place during normal activities. This, in turn, helps the wrist heal properly, prevents injury in the future, and keeps you from experiencing lasting pain from a simple injury. Strains . Medically, the difference between a wrist sprain and a wrist strain are the soft tissues involved. In a sprain, ligaments are stretched or torn. In a strain, muscles are injured. Strains are treated similarly to sprains. Time, compression, ice, and targeted exercises can help speed the healing process for wrist strains.

A wrist or hand injury can develop from a number of causes, such as lifting heavy materials or performing repetitive reaching motions. There are several culprits that can result in upper extremity pain, such as manual labor jobs or physically demanding work around the house. This can include common tasks that you may not have even considered, such as cleaning the gutters, mowing the grass, or hanging up wet clothes.  Athletes are also at risk if they participate in rigorous activities that involve the hands and wrists, such as weightlifting, gymnastics, or tennis. The active movements associated with sports and laborious work are undoubtedly important factors to keep in mind; however, passive movements can also be contributing factors to an injury. Fortunately, Advanced Balance Studio can provide you with the treatments you need to bring relief to your affected hand or wrist. If you have noticed discomfort in these areas, contact us today. WHAT’S CAUSING MY WRIST AND/OR HAND PAIN? Some of the most common injuries resulting in wrist and hand pain include: Brokenbones .Acommon injury to thewrist isabuckle fracture,or incomplete fracture to the radius. This bone runs along the thumb side of your wrist from your wrist to your elbow. They commonly occur as a result of a fall, when you reach down to try to catch yourself. Buckle fractures are particularly painful to the touch and often swell at the site of the break. Most commonly, these wrist injuries are treated with a splint or cast while the bone heals. Once the splint is removed, the wrist, hand, and fingers will be weaker than they were before the injury because they have not been in use.

For more support in finding pain relief, visit advancedbalancestudio.com or call Advanced Balance Physical Therapy at 310.833.0300!



Some other common issues that may lead to wrist or hand pain include: • Carpal tunnel syndrome, which can develop from overuse of the wrist and regular, repetitive motions, such as typing. • Heavy lifting. • Athletic injuries. • Dislocation or hyperextension of the joints. CONSULT WITH A PHYSICAL THERAPIST TODAY A physical therapist can help you strengthen your muscles in order to accommodate for your physically demanding lifestyle. This will help make frequent daily chores, as well as strenuous, repetitive motions, much easier. Your physical therapist can also provide manual techniques for relief, such as targeted massage, pressure, and stretching of the affected area(s) to keep muscles loose and to relieve inflammation.  If you are experiencing wrist or hand pain (or you think you may be at risk of developing an injury), give our office a call today. At Advanced Balance Studio, we are dedicated to providing our patients with quality treatment plans and long-lasting relief. Confirm your appointment today and get started on the track toward relief!

There are some additional symptoms to consider that may also be telling signs that treatment for your wrist or hand pain may be needed, such as: • Sharp or stinging pains. • Uncomfortable “clicking” sounds with movement. • Dull pain that runs alongside your arm. • Sudden arm weakness. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to contact a physical therapist.Wecandetermine thecauseofyourpainandhelp treat itaccordingly. Wrist and hand injuries are also common as a result of workplace injury and overuse. While it is sometimes possible to take action to prevent an injury from developing, it is especially important to be able to recognize when an injury develops and to understand ways that you can combat that injury by identifying what may have caused the pain to develop in the first place. 

For more support in finding pain relief, visit our website at advancedbalancestudio.com or call Advanced Balance Physical Therapy at 310.833.0300!

Relieve Hand Pain In Minutes Try this movement to relieve hand pain.


INGREDIENTS • 2 tbspoliveoil • 1 lbchickenbreast • 1mediumonion, diced • 3 largecarrots, diced • 2celerystalks diced • 3clovesofgarlic, diced

• 1medium lemon (zest& juice) • 1handful fresh ginger • 2qtchickenbroth • 1cancoconutmilk (optional)






DIRECTIONS Heatoliveoilovermediumhighheat.Addchickenbreastandbrown.Then,addonion, garlic, carrots, celery, salt and pepper. Cook for about 5 min, until softened. Add 2 quarts of chicken broth and ginger with the skin on. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 35-45 minutes (the longer you boil ginger the stronger it is). Remove ginger and discard. Remove chicken, then shred and set aside. Add lemon zest and squeeze lemon to taste. Continue to simmer for 15 minutes. Add shredded chicken and (optional) 1 can of coconut milk.

HAND TENDON GLIDES 1. Hold your hand up with fingers straight. 2. Curl finger tips as shown. 3. Straighten fingers and thumb to make a “duck-bill.” 4. Curl fingers at middle joints as shown. 5. Curl finger tips into palm. At each interval, hold for 5 seconds. Repeat the entire exercise 10 times.

Always consult yourphysical therapistorphysicianbefore starting exercises youareunsureofdoing.


CALL TODAY! (310) 833-0300



There’s no question that what you eat affects how you feel, and a healthy diet helps you feel better. The healthiest diet is one that emphasizes whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables and that includes lean protein and low-fat or no-fat dairy products. Combine a healthy diet with regular exercise, and you will find it helps your mood as well as your body. Here are some tips to help improve your mood and activity with the right nutrition. Mix in protein to boost mood. Like fiber, protein can help you to avoid blood sugar crashes. Some good sources of protein are chicken, fish, eggs, seeds and nuts, low-fat yogurt, low-fat cheese and milk, tofu, and peanut butter. Don'tworry, "B"happy. TheBvitamins, includingB6,B12,and folicacid,playa role in the production of brain chemicals that regulate mood. Especially if you have depression, be sure to consume foods rich in these vitamins. Good food sources formanyBvitamins includeshellfish,poultry,eggs, low-fatyogurt,and fortifiedbreakfastcereals.Folicacid inparticular isfoundmostly in leafygreens. Drink water. Sip water or other drinks with few or no calories to help maintain a healthy weight. Keep a water bottle in your bag or at your desk to satisfy your thirst throughout the day. Be active whenever you can. Set a goal to fit in at least 2½ hours of moderate physical activity in your week. Being active 10 minutes at a time also adds to your weekly total. Ask your friends or family to keep you company as you bike, jog, walk, or dance. Don’t forget to do some muscle strengthening activities twice a week. Enjoy your food but eat less. Use a smaller plate for meals to help control the amount of food and calories you eat.

Yoga. Yoga provides relaxing physical activity all year long and can easily be done in your bedroom, living room or just about anywhere in the house. You can even use yoga first thing in the morning to wake up slowly and get your body warmed up for the day. Running alternatives. If you love cardio, you probably don’t want to give up that runner’s high, but you might not want to venture out into frosty conditions either. Get your heart pumping indoors with cardio exercises you can do at home, such as:

• Climbing stairs • Jumping jacks

• Mountain climbers • Burpees

• Jump rope • High knees

Especially with coronavirus and other seasonal illnesses roaming about, exercise is one of the key factors that boosts your immunity and reduces your risk of infection. It might take you a few tries to find an indoor workout you love, but don’t give up; you might just find your new favorite activity.



We’re committed to the health and well-being of our patients. In the wake of the recent spreadofCOVID-19,weare takingeveryprecaution.Weareaskingourpatients to take the following tips into consideration, as our staff will also practice these in the clinic to reduce thespreadofCOVID-19.Wewillalsobe increasing thenumberof timesperday that we sanitize our equipment and facility. Your cooperation during this tough time is what makes us able to continue to provide valuable services to you and your family. We appreciate your ongoing support. We wish safety and health to all of our patients.


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