Y7 Bulletin 08.11.24

The weekly bulletin contains the latest news updates.






I hope that everyone enjoyed the extended half term break and that this provided time to catch up with loved ones, particularly for those families celebrating Diwali. Students have certainly returned to school full of energy. Although it has been a shorter week for the majority of the school,

Non-Fiction November Armistice Day - 11 November Anti-Bullying Week - 11-15 November HOLIDAYS & NATIONAL DAYS Cross Country trials - 11 November, after school Year 12 Waldegrave MBA Day - 13 November Year 7&8 - Ultimate Frisbee Indoor National Championships - 16 November


our Year 11 have been in since Monday for their mock exams. This provided a calm environment for them to settle into the routine of exams which they greatly appreciated. The students have approached the exams with great maturity and calm. Yesterday our Year 12 Psychology students attended a conference in London and had the opportunity to learn about various research including dementia and the musical brain, the work of a forensic psychologist and how to engineer an extreme emotion. On Monday we will be marking Armistice Day in school with a reflective tutor time activity and holding a minute’s silence at 11am. Students can buy poppies to support the Royal British Legion’s work to support members of the armed forces. We are now entering the darker months of the year and with that in mind I would like to remind students to ensure that they are making arrangements to travel home safely. We would encourage students to walk in groups, if they are travelling alone they should not be using headphones or earbuds so they can be aware of their surroundings.

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Send us your achievement stories and photos to share by email to

~ Ms Tongue, Headteacher

info@waldegravesch.org STAY CONNECTED WITH US:


Concerns about the impact on the wellbeing of teenagers has prompted Australia to propose a world first ban on social media for under 16s. Faced by constantly changing technology, parents need to be empowered to understand the risks for children and how to best support them. We have arranged for the Breck Foundation to run a parent webinar about online safety on Monday 18 November, 6pm. Zoom link is here. Meeting ID: 812 3132 2504 Passcode: 011073 National Stress Awareness Day (1 Nov) coincided with half-term and when students in Key Stage 3 are taking part in our annual Readathon. Last year, I highlighted the power of reading for stress relief and thought it timely to return to this idea. Research has shown that reading is many times more effective at reducing stress than listening to music, going for a walk or having a cup of tea! Just 6 minutes of reading is proven to decrease stress levels by 60%, resulting in a slower heartbeat, reduced muscle tension, and an altered state of mind. More information here.


A little help goes a long way... Are you able to help out at our forthcoming events?



It has been lovely to welcome Year 7 back to school refreshed after their half term break. We started the week with an assembly led by Ms Moore and the anti-bullying ambassadors to mark “Anti-Bullying Week.”We have followed this up during tutor time, looking at the focus for the week “Choose Respect.”We considered how to help someone experiencing bullying behaviour, as well as where and who to go to for support. This half term we look forward to Year 7 students achieving even more Epraise points. They have had an excel- lent start to the year and we encourage students to continue to work hard, show their enthusiasm in lessons and during extra-curricular activities. Students will soon start to be able to exchange their points for items from the Epraise shop. Next week PE clubs and activities will resume, please note due to cross country trials football training will be on Tuesday after school next week. The cross country trials will take place after school on Monday for the school team who will take part in the Richmond Schools Cross Country event on Friday 22 November in Bushy Park. Year 7 pupils will need to be able to run 2.5km. As we move towards the darker months please discuss with your child if they are attending after school clubs and ensure they are making their way home, on these darker afternoons, safely. We will be marking Remembrance day on Monday next week. During tutor time we will read and reflect on some thought provoking poems, using our thoughts and feelings about these to create a school display. Poppies will be available at reception to purchase up to (and including) Monday 11 November. Funds raised by buying a poppy go to charity to help support members of the armed forces overcome issues such as depres- sion, chronic pain and PTSD. See The Poppy Appeal for more information. Thank you for all the generous donations for Pink Day, supporting Breast Cancer charities, we have kept the link on ParentPay open until the start of next week if you would still like to contribute towards this great cause.



‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ - Michelle Magorian

During WW2, a young boy called William Beech is sent to stay in the coun- tryside with old Mr Tom. Tom discovers bruises on William and realises he was being mistreated by his mother back in London. As the war continues, William’s mother demands that he comes home and leaves his new life in the countryside. This story explores the powers of friendship and the importance of fighting for the people you love.

- Isla S, Y11

MS O’BRIEN, HEAD OF PERFORMING ARTS & MUSIC WALDEGRAVE RECRUITMENT We are currently recruiting for Exam Invigilators to assist with the conduct and supervision of the School’s public examinations. If you are interested in joining our team, please contact Shelli Fong, Exams Officer, for an application form.


PRIORITY plural noun: priorities

NOUN: the fact of being regarded or treated as more important than others

Who would use this word? Politicians, lawyers, councillors, doctors and authors. Examples: “The safety of the country takes priority over any other matter.” “Pioneering new forms of surgery should be a priority for the NHS.”

SYNONYMS: precedence, preference, pre-eminence, predominance, primacy, the lead, weighting, greater importance

Please contact us with any queries or problems you may have. To get in touch with a member of staff from your child’s year group, you can: Please contact us with any queries or problems you may have. To get in touch with a member of staff from your child’s year group, you can: Send an email to KS3@waldegravesch.org HOW TO CONTACT YEAR 7 HEAD OF YEAR AND TUTORS

Or you can contact the school via phone by calling: 02088943244 Send an email to KS3@waldegravesch.org

WALDEGRAVE SCHOOL Fifth Cross Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5LH Or you can contact the school via phone by calling: 02088943244

WALDEGRAVE SCHOOL Fifth Cross Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5LH

The following items are not endorsed by Waldegrave School.

Mental Elf is a festive walk, jog or run around the park. Choose to complete 1,2 or 3 laps - 3 laps is 5k. Festive fancy dress is not essential but strongly encouraged! Sunday 1st December 2024, 11am Marble Hill Park, Twickenham TW1 2NL

Join us for festive frolics and raise vital funds for Richmond Borough Mind!

Full details and tickets are available on our website: www.rbmind.org or scan the QR code

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