E uro
A pplications catalog
2019 J u n e
U p d a t e
KTM T wist T hrottle K its CONTINUED
MODEL 200 SX 200 XC
0200 Stock 0200 Stock 0200 Stock 0250 Stock 0250 Stock 0250 Stock 0250 Stock 0250 Stock 0250 Stock 0250 Stock 0250 Stock 0300 Stock 0300 Stock 0300 Stock 0300 Stock 0300 Stock 0360 Stock 0360 Stock 0360 Stock 0380 Stock 0380 Stock 0380 Stock 0450 Stock 0450 Stock 0505 Stock 0505 Stock 0525 Stock 0525 Stock
2003 - 2004 2006 - 2008 2006 - 2016 1997 - 2005 2014 - 2016 1998 - 2001 1997 - 2008 2010 - 2014 2006 - 2009 2011 - 2014 2006 - 2014 1997 - 2005 1997 - 2005 2006 - 2014 2006 - 2016 2014 - 2016
01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2573 01-2609 01-2609 01-2609 01-2609 01-2609 01-2609
200 XCW 250 EXC
250 FR
250 MXC
250 SX 250 SX 250 XC 250 XC
250 XCW 300 EXC 300 MXC
300 XC
300 XCW
360 EXC 360 MXC 360 SX 380 EXC 380 MXC
1997 1997 1997
1998 - 2002 1998 - 2002 1998 - 2002
380 SX
450 SX ATV 450 XC ATV 505 SX ATV 505 SX ATV 525 XC ATV 525 XC ATV
069 069 069 069 069 069
2009 - 2010 01-2610 2008 - 2009 01-2610 2009 - 2010 01-2610
2008 - 2009 01-2610 2011 - 2012 01-2610
KTM R ev 2 T hrottle K its & R eplacement R ev 2 C ables MODEL CC CARB/TB FOOTNOTE YEAR
RC 125 (EU) RC 125 (EU) RC 200 (EU) RC 200 (EU) 250 EXCF 250 EXCF 250 EXCF 250 EXCF 250 EXCG 250 EXCG 250 SXF 250 SXF 250 SXF 250 SXF 250 SXF 250 SXF 250 SXF 250 SXF 250 SXF 250 SXF 250 SXFFE 250 SXFFE 250 SXFFE
0125 Std
146 186 146 186 146 161
2014 - 2016 01-1293
0125 Stock
2014 - 2016
0200 Std
2014 - 2017 01-1293
0200 Stock
2014 - 2017
0250 Std 0250 Std
2017 2017 2017 2017
01-1289 01-1292
0250 Stock
01-2783 01-2784
0250 3.0 0250 Std
160 146
2002 - 2005 01-1226
0250 Stock
2002 - 2005
0250 Std 0250 Std
146 148
2005 - 2014 01-1225 2005 - 2015 01-1270
0250 Stock 0250 Stock
2005 - 2015 2005 - 2015
01-2723 01-2765
145 146 161
0250 Std 0250 Std
2015 - 2018 01-1289 2015 - 2018 01-1292
0250 Stock
2016 - 2018 2016 - 2018
01-2783 01-2784
0250 3.0 0250 Std
160 146
2019 - 2020 01-1317
0250 Stock 0250 Stock
2019 - 2020
01-2807 01-2783 01-2784
2015 2015 2017
0250 3.0 0250 Std
160 146
FOOTNOTE 069 Warning: This kit disables the stock throttle override system. This kit will not shut off the engine if your throttle or carb sticks in the open position. A stuck throttle could result in uncontrolled acceleration and great bodily injury or death. This product is intended for closed course racing by expert riders only. This product must be installed by experienced professional mechanic. Improper installation could result in great bodily injury or death. User assumes all responsibility for proper installation and use of this product. 145 01-2765 Rev2 throttle kit features throttle cable set 01-1270 that is 3 inches longer than throttle cable 01-1225 included in Rev2 throttle kit 01-2723 146 Rev2 cables can only be used with stock throttle body (or carburetor where applicable) and Rev2 throttle. 160 01-2784 Rev2 throttle kit features throttle cable set 01-1292 that is 3 inches longer than throttle cable 01-1289 included in Rev2 throttle kit 01-2783 161 3 inches longer than standard length Rev2 throttle cable part number 01-1289. Rev2 cables can only be used with stock throttle body (or car- buretor where applicable) and Rev2 throttle 186 For use with stock throttle body. IMPORTANT - The Rev2 throttle does not have the starter and kill switch wiring or switches that are built into your stock throttle assembly. Use of the Rev2 Throttle requires an after market kill switch and starter button assembly not included in kit. Please use 11-0106 Handlebar Stop/Start Switch, KTM A for this application. Rev2 Kits have cables specifically designed for fitment on specific models, but the Rev2 throttle itself is not model specific. Therefore, in some situations, the Rev2 kit may not be a direct bolt on installation due to space limitations on the stock handlebar. In some installations, it may be necessary to move other control components on the stock handlebar, shorten the Rev2 throttle tube and grip, install longer after market handlebars, or possibly all of the above. It is up to the end user to determine the best method for fitment on their motorcycle, and ensure that the Rev2 kit is installed properly and with the correct clearances for safe operation. Installation should be done by a qualified mechanic and carefully checked for proper function. Warning: Improper installation could result in great bodily injury or death.
BV: Black Vinyl
CW: Coil Wound
DECOM: Decompression
LW: Longitudinally Wound
PP: Push-Pull
STD: Standard
TB: Throttle Body
THRTL: Throt t le
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Motion Pro, Inc. Phone: 650-594-9600 Fax: 650-594-9610 © 2019 Motion Pro, Inc
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