STUDENT EXPERIENCE (Times Good University Guide 2020) IN THE UK 4 TH
Ancient History explores Greek and Roman civilisations to give you new insights into the cultures that have shaped our modern world. You will have the chance to study Greek and Roman history and society, architecture and archaeology, warfare and empire, gender, religion, politics and economics, and you can learn Ancient Greek or Latin language.
FoundationYear available Global Opportunities available Welsh Scholarships/Bursaries available Full details available on the Course Reference Grid (page 134)
You will gain an overview of ancient Greek and Roman historical events and people, before learning how to dissect different sources and treat them using the appropriate methodologies. You will study in a research-intensive department with experts on Roman Syria, Pompeii, ancient geography, early Cyprus, and the saints and rulers of late antiquity. You will develop transferable skills, which are highly valued by employers, and you can sign up for various employability and engagement placements. You can also take the Study Trip module which will bolster your in-depth study of an overseas ancient land by seeing it in real life. AREAS STUDIED TYPICALLY INCLUDE: Year 1 • Greek History and Society • Rome from Village to Empire: An Introduction to Roman History • Introduction to Greek and Roman Art and Architecture • Introduction to Ancient Philosophy and Rhetoric
Year 2 • Writing Ancient History • Armies and Enemies of Imperial Rome
• The Heirs of Rome: The Making of Christendom, Byzantium, and Islam • G ender in the Roman World • Ancient and Historic Places (Study Trip) Year 2/3 • A lexander and the Hellenistic World • A ncient Cyprus • B eing Greek: Identity in the Ancient Greek World • B eyond Mainland Greece: Asia in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods • G reek City States • S et in Stone ? Inscribing and Writing in Antiquity • Schools work placement: Teaching ancient history and ancient languages Year 3 • Classics, Ancient History,
Detailed entry requirements and course features available on the Course Reference Grid (page 134)
BA Single Honours ▲ Ancient History ♦ Ancient History (with Year Abroad) ♦ Ancient History (with Foundation Year) BA Joint Honours Ancient History and ▲ English Literature ♦ English Literature (with Year Abroad)
♦ French (with Year Abroad) ♦ German (with Year Abroad) ▲ Greek ♦ Greek (with Year Abroad) ▲ History ♦ History (with Year Abroad) ▲ Latin ♦ Latin (with Year Abroad) ▲ Politics ♦ Spanish (with Year Abroad)
Egyptology Dissertation • Italy before the Romans
• Late Antiquity: the Transformation of the Roman World AD 250-600 • P ompeii and the Cities of Vesuvius • R oman Britain
▲ 3 YEAR ♦ 4 YEAR For individual UCAS course codes please visit the course web page
FUTURE CAREERS: • Business and Management • Heritage and Tourism • Media and Public Relations • Politics and Civil Service • Teaching
For more detailed course content, including a full module list, visit:
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