Regional health group fills in needs map
Links project during their June 25 board meeting held in Alfred-Plantagenet Town- ship. Health Links is a plan for organizing health services for people in the Champlain LHIN region who have the highest andmost complex needs. There are 10 Health Links setups in prog- ress throughout different sectors of the Champlain LHIN. The LHIN deals with man- aging and allocating provincial funding for health services and programs for the City of Ottawa, the Five Counties region, Renfrew County, and the northern portions of La-
nark and Grenville counties. Right now none of the Health Links is in full operation but the ones for Prescott- Russell, the Ottawa West-Arnprior region, and South Renfrew all have their business plans awaiting health ministry approval. The Upper Canada Health Link’s business plan is now at the development stage and will soon go to the ministry for review and approval. The other six Health Link areas are either awaiting ministry approval of their readiness assessments so they can begin working on their business plans or are in the midst of doing their readiness assess- ments. The latest update report on the Health Links project noted that 2.2 per cent of the entire Champlain LHIN population would qualify as “high need” health service clients. That totals 26,744 people out of a popu- lation of 1.2 million. The LHIN criteria for defining a high-needs client covers physi- cal and/or mental health conditions which require frequent emergency department visits, surgical sessions, one or more long- term care stays, more than 100 home care visits, referrals to a dozen or more special- ists during a period of time, and other fac- tors. High-needs clients make up the top 10 per cent of Champlain LHIN patient funding demands. The latest research on high-needs servic-
es for the LHIN noted that Ottawa has the lowest rate for high-needs patients while the Health Links areas for Renfrew, Stor- mont, and Glengarry counties, the Cornwall area, and the Akwesasne have the high- est rates. Seniors are more prone to being high-need clients yet half of all the known people classified as being high need within the Champlain LHIN are between the ages of 18 and 64. Many high-needs patients may suffer from a multitude of chronic physical condi- tions and some may also be dealing with addiction problems or mental health con- ditions, including dementia. High-needs patients may average 24 visits to more than a dozen specialists within a year’s time be- cause of their condition. At least five per cent of high-needs patients do not have a primary personal doctor and half of the people who meet the definition of a high- needs patient may not have easy available access to home care. They often have to make repeat visits to the hospital and may need extended hospital stays while they are waiting for an opening in an available alter- nate care facility. The updated review information will help some Health Links area organizers with their own assessment and business plan development reports to the health ministry.
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
ALFRED | Who has the greatest need for health care support is becoming more and more clear to the people in charge of managing health service programs for Eastern Ontario. The directors for the Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) received an updated progress report on the Health
police beat
Impaired driver Gérard Charbonneau, 69, of The Nation municipality is charged with making threats to a police officer along with driving with a blood-alcohol content exceeding 80 milligrams. The charges resulted when a police officer intercepted Charbonneau the afternoon of July 25 when he was seen driving a pickup truck along Ste-Catherine Street in St-Isidore. The OPP report stated that the officer suspected Charbonneau might be driving while his licence was suspended and that he had also been drinking. A computer check confirmed the officer’s suspicion. Charbonneau also failed a roadside breath- screening test, resulting in the alcohol-related driving charge. The report also noted that during the checkstop, the accused made threats to the officer. Burglary case An overnight break-in at a Telegraph Crescent home in Alfred resulted in the loss of $4000 worth of sports gear and jewellery. The break-in occurred between the evening of July 21 and the morning of July 22. Entry was through a garage window. The missing items include an Eclipse racing bike with a yellow-and-white frame, a black gym bag with the word “Vegas” written all over it in white, a pair of Adidas runners, pink and black in colour, a pair of bikinis, a towel and a pair of swim shorts, some gold chains and a pair of gold earrings. Also missing is an Acer brand laptop computer, pale blue case, a Nokia cellphone, and a Silver Sony camcorder with a black case and cable. Anyone with information is asked to contact Constable Jason Cholette at the Hawkesbury OPP Detachment at 613-632-2729 or 1-888-310-1122. Foodie thieves Les Jardins Lamoureux vegetableand fruit standwasbroken into sometimeovernight between July 21 and 22. The foodstand is located at 550 St-Philippe Street in Alfred. A lock securing the foodstand was smashed and a variety of fruits and vegetables were taken. Later in the week another food-related burglary occurred The Chez Sylvie Snack Bar at 569 St-Philippe Street in Alfred was broken into sometime overnight between July 24 and July 25. Entry was through a rear window. Some food was taken and the cash register vandalized.
communautaire Le lien community link The
Alexandria Every week, we meet on Tuesday at 10h30 in Alexandria for a fun game of horses- hoes. We play on 2 pitts. 55 years and more. Contact Bob Doonan at 613-525-2572 or write at bobdoonan@gmail.com Alfred Poker Run organisé par le Club Mustang Prescott-Russell (CMPR) le 9 août, pour voiture ou motos. Départ du parc Larocque à Alfred entre 9h30 et 11h. Retour avant 15h30. En cas de pluie, remis au dimanche. Info : 613-679-2864 La Banque Alimentaire vous invite à venir profiter des journées spéciales à la Fripe- rie KAZI (9, 344 St-Philippe). Moitié prix sur tout en magasin le jeudi 7 août, de 9h à 16h et samedi le 9 août, de 10h à 14h. Bourget Les anciennes pupilles de la Couronne, les enfants placés et les familles d’accueil sont invité par l’Association des familles d’accueil et le Réseau des jeunes de Prescott- Russell à un barbecue annuel qui aura lieu le 24 août, entre 10h à 15h, au Camping Paradis (4304, chemin Champlain à Bourget). Apportez maillot de bain, serviette et crème solaire! Confirmation requise avant le 4 août à Anne-Marie ou Aude au 1-800-675-6168, poste 2221. Hawkesbury Souper Hambuger steak des Chavaliers de Colomb local 2183 le 1er août entre 17h et 19h au 393, rue William à Hawkesbury. Info : 613-632-2633 Pèlerinnage au Sanctuaire Marie-Reine-des-Cœurs de Chertsey le 15 août et Fête de l’Assomption de la Vierge Marie. Départ du centre commercial de Hawkesbury (rue Régent- arrière du Tigre Géant) à 8h. Info sur la programmation et inscription : Pierre Beaulne 613-632-2456. Vankleek Hill Cérémonie au cimetière Saint-Grégoire de Vankleek Hill le 10 août à 11h. En cas de pluie, la messe aura lieu à l’église.
36 700 copies
Bertrand Castonguay , President, bertrand@eap.on.ca Roger Duplantie , D.G. / G.M., roger@eap.on.ca François Bélair , Sales & Development, fbelair@eap.on.ca François Legault , Directeur de l’information/News Editor, francois.legault@eap.on.ca Yvan Joly , Sales director (Hawkesbury), yvan@eap.on.ca François Leblanc , Directeur (Lachute), francois.leblanc@eap.on.ca Gilles Normand , Production & Distribution Mgr., gilles.normand@eap.on.ca Thomas Stevens , Layout & Prepress Mgr., thomas.stevens@eap.on.ca
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