Elevate May 2024 | Air Serbia

Uz našu reprezentaciju, koja se izborila za učešće prvi put posle 24 godine, u grupi C biće Engleska, Slovenija i Danska

Alongside our national team, which secured participation for the first time after 24 years, Group C will include England, Slovenia and Denmark


O sistemu takmičenja Timovi, ukupno 24, raspoređeni su u šest gru- pa. Naša je C. Svaka selekcija će odigrati po tri meča u grupi, a plasman u drugi krug će obezbediti prvi i drugi iz svake od grupa, kao i četiri najbolje treće- plasirane reprezentacije. Osmina finala će se igrati od 29. juna do 2. jula, četvrtfinale je na programu 5. i 6. jula, polufinalni mečevi 9. i 10. jula, a veliko finale se igra 14. jula u Berlinu. Jedini debitant na kontinentalnim šampionatima je Gruzija, koja je eli- minisala Grčku. Zanimljivosti Neverovatno ali istinito – Kristijano Ronaldo će u Nemačkoj odigrati svoje šesto Evropsko prvenstvo. Debitovao je 2004. godine, kada njegov saigrač iz re- prezentacije i fudbaler Benfike Žoao Neveš nije bio ni rođen. Portugalcu Pepeu i Hrvatu Luki Modriću ovo će biti peti kontinentalni šampionat. U Nemač- koj će igrati i čak devet osvajača trofeja u prethod- nim izdanjima: Danska, Francuska, Nemačka, Itali- ja, Holandija, Portugalija i Španija, odnosno Češka i Slovačka koje su trijumfovale dok su bile jedna dr- žava (Čehoslovačka). Ovo je inače 17. EP, a rekor- der po broju učešća je Nemačka – 14. Inače, Nemci i Španci imaju po tri titule. Ukupan nagradni fond na šampionatu je 331 milion evra, dok će pobedni- ku turnira biti podeljeno 40 zlatnih medalja. Svaki selektor ima mogućnost da prijavi maksimalno 23 fudbalera, a krajnji rok je sedam dana pre odigrava- nja prvog meča.

Summer starts with football in Germany The UEFA European Championship is a competition that compels football fans across the continent to adjust their lives every four years. They postpone their summer holidays, weddings and christenings, visits to the in-laws etc. Everything else can wait, but not football T he previous championship was disrupted by the pandemic to such an extent that it was postponed for a year and had to be played in 11 different countries. After all the upheav- al, the people were left with the impression that it hadn’t even happened, and the only ones who will remember it are the Italians, because they beat Eng- land on penalties in the final in London. That’s why this year’s tournament should be the best ever! English up first You can travel wherever, how much and with whom- ever you want, but there’s no better house than Germa- ny when it comes to football. Ten modern stadiums in ten cities, and the fun can commence. We are putting everything on hold from 14 th June to 14 th July. We be- lieve that you’ve already secured tickets for the matches of our national team, which is returning to the European big stage after a break of 24 years. Serbia’s “Eagles” will play their first match in Gelsenkirchen on 16 th June, and their rival will be the continent’s most expensive nation- al team: England. The squad of the proud English is val- ued at 1.5 billion euros, with Jude Bellingham and Phil Foden alone worth the equivalent of our entire nation- al team. Oh yes, that’s approximately 205 billion dinars. Okay, we’ve also beaten greater and more expensive teams, though admittedly a long time ago, because we haven’t been included since 2000. According to the Foot- ball Association of Serbia, almost 250 footballers of vari- ous generations have attempted to gain qualification for the European Championship, a competition that evad- ed some of the best footballers we’ve ever had, such as Branislav Ivanović, Nemanja Matić, Vladimir Stojković, Nemanja Vidić, Milan Jovanović, Aleksandar Kolarov, Saša Ilić and many others. With Air Serbia to matches But let’s return to the Eagles’ first match. Veltins-Are- na is one of Germany’s most modern temples of foot-

zlatnih medalja biće podeljeno pobedniku turnira gold medals will be awarded to the winning team 40

Football » Fudbal | 107

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